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совершенно очевидно
 Совершенно очевидно
gen. it is quite clear
 совершенно очевиден
math. is quite obvious; is quite evident; is quite pronounced; is quite marked
 совершенно очевидно
gen. the plain fact is that; the plain truth is that; perfectly obvious; abundantly clear
 совершенно очевидный
gen. pointed
| что
math. anything

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совершенно очевидныйstresses
gen. pointed; crystal clear (Ivan Pisarev); obvious (Ivan Pisarev); with no questions asked (Ivan Pisarev); without any doubt (Ivan Pisarev); beyond any doubt (Ivan Pisarev); raising no doubts (Ivan Pisarev); undoubted (Ivan Pisarev); unquestionable (Ivan Pisarev); pretty straightforward (Ivan Pisarev); non-challenging (Ivan Pisarev); uncontroversial (Ivan Pisarev); be beyond any question (Ivan Pisarev); undisputed (Ivan Pisarev); non-controversial (Ivan Pisarev); incontrovertible (Ivan Pisarev); indisputable (Ivan Pisarev); incontestable (Ivan Pisarev)
econ. self-evident (A.Rezvov)
совершенно очевидно
gen. the plain fact is that; the plain truth is that; perfectly obvious (mazurov); abundantly clear (pfedorov); it stands to reason; patently obvious (Alexander Demidov); absolutely obvious (Bullfinch); blindingly obvious (Bullfinch); plain to see (This must now surely be plain for anyone to see. 4uzhoj); quite simply (yanadya19)
Makarov. it goes without saying; that goes without saying
math. it is apparent; it is obvious; it is simply evident that; quite apparently
совершенно очевиден
math. is quite obvious; is quite evident; is quite pronounced; is quite marked
Совершенно очевидно
gen. it is quite clear (that bookworm)
совершенно очевидно: 21 phrases in 6 subjects