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сногсшибательная adj.stresses
inf. electric (о девушке KeCH); smoking hot (о привлекательной женщине SirReal)
сногсшибательный adj.
gen. corking; nobby; snorting (Anglophile); over-the-top (Alexander Demidov); buster; eye popping; stupendous; head-spinning (nofour138); eyepopping (varazs); show stopping (felog); slapping; devastating (informal : Extremely impressive or effective:

‘she had a devastating wit' Bullfinch); stunning; killer (Bullfinch); swoon-worthy (eveningbat); startling (scherfas); blinding (ad_notam); amazing (amazing profits sankozh); head-snapping (In addition, there are little details in the novel that, in journalist parlance, are too good to check, such as the head-snapping description of the character based on Jobs in the very first sentence: "He was a man too busy to flush toilets." vogeler); staggering (nikulyak); putdownable (Mariam 321); ravishing (Your Highness looks ravishing Taras)

Игорь Миг mindbending; mind-blowing; dizzying; earth-shattering; jaw-dropping; head-turning
amer. doozy (Taras)
appr. fantastic (ВосьМой); facemelting (Заменитель слов "unbelievable", "amazing", "astounding" и других выражений крайнего одобрения; Обычно относится к музыке. Также встречается написание через дефис (face-melting). urbandictionary.com Claire_Nettle)
fig. smashing (о впечатлении или том, что его произвело Vadim Rouminsky)
fig.of.sp. mind-boggling (MichaelBurov); mind-bending (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, inf. astounding
inf. eye-popping; rattling; raving; off the chart (Taras); epic (VLZ_58); stunning, staggering; swoonworthy (wiktionary.org espi)
inf., humor. astounding; staggering
jarg. cracking (igisheva)
modern mindblasting (syn. mind-blowing Victorian)
slang dickty; dictee; dicty; out; kick-ass (осторожно, нецензурная лексика! Damirules); knockout (о внешности) (She looked completely knockout yesterday Dreamer713)
сногсшибательно adv.
gen. stunningly; fantastically
Gruzovik, inf. rattlingly
inf. rattling; drop-dead (kidkitty)
inf., old.fash. swell (She's wearing a green colour tight fitting cheongsam dress. It's nicely slit down one side and it shows just enough of her long slim legs to make a man start panting. Me, I'm thinking that she's looking swell.)
Makarov. staggeringly (Aly19)
neol. atomic! (  Aly19)
slang knock your socks off (knock one's socks off: to overwhelm or amaze one: a performance that will knock your socks off word-detective.com urh2012)
сногсшибательное adj.
gen. shocker; sneezer; endsville
amer. mind-blowing (Maggie)
что-либо сногсшибательное adj.
amer. doozy (Enrica)
: 60 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Computer games1
Cosmetics and cosmetology1