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gen. deign to do something (bookworm); stoop; stoop (перен.); acquiesce; come into; condescend (with к, до or inf., to); defer; demean to demarkation one's self; indulge; overlook; deign (to); show sympathy (with к, toward); be tolerant (of)
Gruzovik condescend to
Gruzovik, fig. come over (impf of снизойти); seize (impf of снизойти); grip (impf of снизойти)
Gruzovik, obs. descend (impf of снизойти); come down (impf of снизойти)
ironic. vouchsafe
Makarov., inf. play down
obs. come down; descent; seize
obs., fig. come over; grip
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects
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