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gen. relent; mellow; melt; moderate; relax; remit
austral. slang chuck a willy
| тон
gen. tint

verb | verb | to phrases
смягчить vstresses
gen. blunt; take off the edge of; soften; mitigate; alleviate; extenuate; assuage; attenuate; humanize; lighten; mellow; melt; mince; moderate; modify; mollify; palliate; relax; remit; salve; shade; smooth; soothe; subdue; sweeten; tame; temper; gentle; escalate down (конфликт и т. п.); express by a euphemism; take the edge off (что-либо); soften up (чьё-либо сопротивление); soft pedal; soft-pedal; allay; supple; tone down; abate (Attempts by the administration to abate the intensity of controversy were mostly unsuccessful; it continued to consume everyone's attention. goorun)
Игорь Миг offset; take the heat out of
amer. tone down (грубую лексику на более благозвучную; The foul language in the original play has been toned down for television. Val_Ships)
astronaut. cushion
automat. scale back (European Union Could Scale Back Sanctions if Moscow Moves to End Ukraine Crisis. VLZ_58)
crim.law. commute (наказание – to commute punishment)
dipl. ease; water down
inf. mat (My helmet matted the blow – мой шлем смягчил удар U_one)
law commute; accord mitigation (ответственность, наказание)
Makarov. take the edge off something (что-либо); mollify someone with something (чем-либо; кого-либо); nullify someone with something (чем-либо; кого-либо); smooth away; smooth down; smooth out; smooth over; soften up (кого-либо)
mean.2 downplay (Fitch Ratings expects the Biden administration to downplay tensions over exchange-rate policies with trade partners in Asia, due in part to geopolitical considerations, even though some are on – or at risk of being placed on – the US Treasury's currency manipulator list. • Pelosi seeks to downplay tensions with ‘the Squad' after meeting with Ocasio-Cortez – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to minimize recent tensions over policy and tactics between her and four liberal minority congresswomen known as "the Squad" following a closed-door meeting Friday with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. washingtonpost.com)
obs. season
phonet. palatalize
tech. relieve
transp. cushion the impact
uncom. intenerate
смягчиться v
gen. relent; mellow; melt; moderate; relax; remit; soften; grow mellow (с годами); alleviate; assuage; become soft; cushion; ease; grow mild; grow milder; grow softer; mollify; soft-pedal; tone down (также перен.); warm (о человеке); abate; become mild (of the weather); soften up
Gruzovik ease off (pf of смягчаться)
austral., slang chuck a willy
Makarov. grow mellow
phonet. palatalize
смягчённый prtc.
agric., paint.w. mellow (о цвете)
chem. cushioned
tech. softened
: 199 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Court law1
Drug-related slang1
Mass media4
Notarial practice2
Rail transport3
Road works1