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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
смущенный adj.stresses
gen. addlepated (AlexP73); embarrassed; pixy led; dazed; expressionless; perplexed (cognachennessy); humbled (оказанной честью; вспомним телеграмму Пастернака Нобелевскому комитету: "Благодарен, рад, горд, смущен" masizonenko); confused; put off (She looked put off. fa158)
amer. torn up (Taras); catawumpus (S0фья)
obs. disturbed; troubled
slang shook (mikhail_dutikov)
смущённый adj.
gen. taken aback; distraught (sv.karachun); ablush; blank; constrained (о тоне, манерах); abashed; disconcerted; mused; pixy-led; willyard; bewildered; confounded; distracted; ill at ease; uneasy; willyart; blunt (кем-то либо чем-то Rust71); dizzy (alia20); self-conscious; baffled (Andrey Truhachev); puzzled (Andrey Truhachev); deranged (Andrey Truhachev); flummoxed (Andrey Truhachev); discomfited (Andrey Truhachev); raddled (being in a state of confusion : lacking composure george serebryakov); discombobulated (Andrey Truhachev); awkward (awkward smile Abysslooker); hard beset; sore beset; mazy; perplexed; speechless; tongueless; bemused (suburbian); embarrassed; confused
amer. conflicted (She remains a little conflicted about him – Она испытывает внутренний конфликт по поводу него; her feeligs are very conflicted – её чувства такие противоречивые Igor Klenovy)
fig. routed
Gruzovik, obs. disturbed; troubled
inf. hung-up.on (alexs2011); hung-up about (alexs2011)
Makarov. puddled; strange
relig. discouraged
slang kerflumixed; up a tree; messed up (Interex); slightly raffled (Interex); buffaloed; wuzzy; in a dither (Interex); mixed up (Interex); pixilated (Interex); pixolated (Interex); goofedup (Interex); blotto; foggy; gummixed up; haywire; hectic; in a fog; in a flush; in storm; nutty; rattlebrained; red faced
смутить v
gen. put out of countenance (кого-либо); beat out of countenance; bedash; have better of; make the better of; get the better of; set at odds; put one out (кого-л.); uproar; bother; put smb. out of countenance (кого́-л.); mix up; embarrass; perplex; abash; bewilder; bemuse; dash; disconcert; discountenance; distract; disturb; outface; perturb; put out; bowl down; affront; blunt (кого-то Rust71); puzzle with a question; rouge; stare down of countenance (кого-либо); stare out of countenance (кого-либо); stare down (someone bigmaxus); foment (trouble); incite; stir up; trouble; discomfit; faze; nonplus; obfuscate; shame; flurry (Рина Грант); fluster (someone: the arrival of the TV crew didn't fluster him – появление телевизионщиков его не смутило Рина Грант)
Gruzovik take aback; confuse (pf of смущать)
Игорь Миг unsettle; knock off-balance
amer. discombobulate (to cause to be confused; confuse emotionally. worldwidewords.org Antonio)
fig. snarl
Gruzovik, inf. sow discord (pf of смущать); provoke a quarrel (pf of смущать)
inf. floor; flummox; rattle; bowl out; bowl over; throw (The picture threw me Pickman); provoke quarrel
Makarov. confuse (someone – кого-либо); embarrass (someone – кого-либо); put someone at a stand (кого-либо); put someone out of countenance (кого-либо); take the wind out of someone's sails (кого-либо)
slang bug (кого-то)
смутиться v
gen. be all abroad; become confused; hide one's diminished head; get rattled; be embarrassed (Taras); get embarrassed (Taras); perturb; bewilder; confuse; disconcert; disturb; embarrass; foment (trouble); incite; perplex; revolt; rise in rebellion; start a rebellion; stir up; worry; trouble; be alarmed; be bewildered; be confused; be uneasy; stand blank; become embarrassed
Gruzovik be confused (pf of смущаться); worry (pf of смущаться); be alarmed (pf of смущаться); be uneasy (pf of смущаться); be bewildered (pf of смущаться)
Gruzovik, obs. rebel (pf of смущаться); revolt (pf of смущаться); start a rebellion (pf of смущаться); rise in rebellion (pf of смущаться); of water be agitated (pf of смущаться); of water be choppy (pf of смущаться); ripple (pf of смущаться); wave (pf of смущаться)
inf. provoke quarrel; sow discord
Makarov. get confused; be put out of countenance
obs. rebel; ripple; wave; be agitated; be choppy
slang bug up; flap; panic
: 113 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated1