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gen. resign oneself; abase; calm down; curb; restrain; submit
Makarov. tame
obs. inf. cease hostilities; reconcile; restore friendship
| с
el. centi-
| последствиями
gen. consequence

verb | verb | to phrases
смиряться vstresses
gen. resign oneself (to bookworm); abase; calm down; curb; restrain; submit; subordinate oneself (to); suppress; bend one's neck (AlexandraM); put up with (bookworm); humble; abase oneself (Andrey Truhachev); tame down (VLZ_58); suck it up (переносить стойко какую-то сложную жизненную ситуацию: I don't care if you're sad, get out there, suck it up and deal with it! vogeler); give in; reconcile oneself (with с + instr., to); learn to accept
Gruzovik submit (impf of смириться); yield to (impf of смириться); subordinate oneself to (impf of смириться); calm down (impf of смириться)
fig. stoop
Gruzovik, obs. be reconciled with (impf of смириться); cease hostilities (impf of смириться)
Makarov. tame; reconcile oneself
mil., lingo hack (MichaelBurov)
obs., inf. cease hostilities; reconcile; restore friendship (between); be reconciled (with)
rel., christ. yield
relig. humble oneself
смирять v
gen. calm; depress; flag; propitiate; repress; subdue; restrain; check; tame; mortify; pull down; curb; suppress; chasten; humble; disarm
Gruzovik curb (impf of смирить); suppress (impf of смирить)
Gruzovik, obs. restore friendship between (impf of смирить); reconcile friendship between (impf of смирить)
obs., inf. reconcile; restore friendship (between)
relig. abase
смиряющий prtc.
gen. depressive
relig. humbling
смиряться: 18 phrases in 4 subjects