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gen. flick; flip; brush aside; flick away; knock off; brush away
comp. swipe
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gen. flick; flip (пепел с сигареты и т. п.); brush aside; flick away; knock off; brush away; brush off; flick aside (he said, flicking aside the background image on his phone, Kazimir Malevich's "Reaper on a Red Background." ТМТ Alexander Demidov); flap (away, off); bring down; brush (away, off); knock down (with the hand); scare away (также перен.); whisk (away, off); pass the broom over; sweep away; sweep off; whisk off
Gruzovik brush away/off (pf of смахивать); flap away/off (pf of смахивать); whisk away/off (pf of смахивать); bring down with the hand (pf of смахивать); knock down with the hand (pf of смахивать)
comp. swipe (из руководства к iPad apple.com Maxxicum)
Gruzovik, inf. destroy (pf of смахивать); take off one's garments or shoes (pf of смахивать); remove one's garments or shoes (pf of смахивать); scare away (pf of смахивать)
inf. cut down; mow; ruin; shoo away; take off; whip (смахнуть волосы Razumov)
Makarov., engl. dust something, someone down (что-либо)
obs. ensweep
смахнуть: 57 phrases in 3 subjects
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