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служебная поездкаstresses
gen. duty journey; work-related journey (E&Y ABelonogov); business trip; business travel (The IRS says business travel is travel away from your tax home that is "substantially longer than an ordinary day's work" and that requires you to sleep or rest while away from home. thebalance.com Alexander Demidov); work trip (And, to some extent, it seems as if I've been waiting ages for a duty trip (that's what the BBC calls a work trip – although more often than not it's as much of a pleasure as it is a duty!) and then three come along at once! bbc.co.uk Alexander Demidov); duty trip (Several days later, on a duty trip to Geneva, the pain recurred with greater intensity, and I was rushed to the hospital at midnight to have my appendix removed. Alexander Demidov)
econ. official journey; official travel; official visit (применительно к сотрудникам государственных учреждений (согласно коллеге, который работал в одном из министерств Великобритании ) mep08060)
mil. duty travel
служебные поездки
corp.gov. official travel
служебная поездка
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Corporate governance2
International relations1