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gen. complex; compound; elaborate; involved; tricky; perplexed
| и
gen. and
| редко встречающаяся
 редко встречающийся
gen. scarce
| форма
gen. wax cast
| миража
gen. mirage
| при которой
 при которых
product. at which
| на горизонте
 на горизонте
fig. in the offing
| появляются
gen. appear
| сложные
gen. complex
| и
gen. and
| быстро меняющиеся
 быстро меняющий
gen. quick change
| изображения
gen. figure
| предметов
gen. thing
| находящихся за
 находиться за
gen. be behind
| горизонтом. В
 горизонт в
forestr. subsoil
| некоторых
gen. not a few
| странах
gen. country
| Средиземного
geol. Mediterranean
| м
 cм. CD
gen. DCD
| мираж
gen. mirage
| называется
gen. pass by the name of
| фата-моргана
ocean. Fata-Morgana
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
сложный adj.stresses
gen. complex; compound; elaborate; involved; tricky; perplexed; daedal; inextricable; involute; knotty; multiplex; sinuous; trick; multiple; decomposite; multiplicate; operose; woofed; Byzantian; Gordian; esoteric; knotted; profound; tangly; sensitive (pau4icca); boffinated (Svetlana D); tough (a tough question – сложный вопрос Weedy Star); ambitious (tavost); problematic (MargeWebley); curlicue; far out; trickish; Byzantine; sinuated; fancy (MariaDroujkova); hard to understand; labyrinthine (Ремедиос_П); hard-hitting (she was not prepared for the hard-hitting questions the reporters had in store at the press conference SirReal); intricate; anfractuous; plexiform; composite; sophisticated (о приборе, машине, системе и т. п.); compositive; complicated; challenging (требующий усилий Anastasia_E); arcane (понятный знатокам Марчихин); curly (о проблеме Bartek2001); overwhelming (с которым трудно справиться. контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); snarly; decompounded; high-level (sankozh); baroque (VLZ_58); fractious (fractious relationship joyand)
Игорь Миг fraught with problems; fraught with obstacles
astronaut. material
austral., slang hairy; mongrel (проект, работа и т.п.)
book. Daedalian; Daedalean; Dedalian; mandarin (marked by polished ornate complexity of language "I don't think there's anything about the novel that doesn't impress me: its stream of satirical invention…; its mandarin prose that perfectly conjures the trancelike drift of a modern consciousness overwhelmed by detail; and its breathtaking risks with structure…." – Alan Moore, quoted in The International New York Times, 10 Sept. 2016 VLZ_58)
cem. perplex
comp. multiaspect
construct. mixed; complicated (напр., о строительных работах); sophisticated
dipl. troublesome
dril. blended; combined; component
el. hirsute; rough (напр. о проблеме)
fig. over one's head (If you get stuck in a situation that's a bit over your head, call upon your best acting abilities to bluff your way through it. VLZ_58); prickly (Nuclear defense policy is bound to be one of the prickliest issues at the party conference. VLZ_58); vermiculate (Andrey Truhachev)
forestr. multi-storeyed
geol. aggregate
hydrobiol. colonial
inf. far-out
lat. compositus (Lena Nolte)
ling. complex (о слове)
Makarov. built-up; composition; deep; formidable; implex; multiple (напр., о линзах); multiple (напр., о линзах); tangled; convoluted (very complicated and difficult to understand Val_Ships)
math. entangled
med. problem
media. animation compound; challenging; laminated (о структуре)
mil. sophisticated (об оборудовании)
mil., tech. elaborate (о системе)
modern arduous (тяжёлый Alex_Odeychuk)
plast. compounded (slick59)
pmp. hard-to-do (translator911)
progr. advanced (ssn)
psychol. complicated (для понимания, объяснения, решения)
railw. complicate; elaborated; multiple belting
scottish wimpled
seism. polyharmonic
slang rugged
tech. difficult; sophistic (Annato)
что-либо сложное adj.
gen. complexity; complicacy; complicity
сложна adj.
gen. is involved (Прим.: the problem is far involved – эта проблема слишком сложна DagerD)
сложные adj.
chem. conjugated proteins
Сложна adj.
gen. is involved (DagerD)
сложнее adj.
telecom. trickier (oleg.vigodsky)
сложная и редко: 2 phrases in 1 subject