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следственный органstresses
gen. investigation body (bigmaxus); investigative authority (Aiduza)
Gruzovik, police investigating body; investigating agency
law investigating authority; investigative agency; investigative organization; investigatory agency; body of inquiry; investigative body (petkutinkalina)
sec.sys. investigation agency
следственные органы
law bodies of inquiry; investigative authorities (alex); investigatory organs (резолюция Конгресса H.Res.227 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): established political control over investigatory and judicial organs Farrukh2012)
notar. investigating authorities (§4584. Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities. house.gov)
tax. investigative bodies (Taxpayer)
следственный орган
: 9 phrases in 2 subjects