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следовать по пятамstresses
gen. bird dog; tag along; tail along; be hard behind; be hard upon; follow hard after; follow on the heels of (Olga Okuneva); dog someone's footsteps; follow close behind (Andrey Truhachev); shadow; heel; tail; tread on; tread upon; tread upon the heels of
idiom. be in hot pursuit (4uzhoj)
inf. tag
Makarov. be hard after
Makarov., inf. tag after; tag behind; tag on
mil., inf. dog
slang fox
uncom. tread on the kibes of
следовать за кем-л. по пятам
cinema shadow (1. When the sun is overhead heavy shadows are cast across vertical surface 2. Cameras shadowed him for 24 hours a day)
следовать по пятам
: 30 phrases in 3 subjects
Uncommon / rare2