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славный малый
 славный малый
gen. trump; good fella; nice chap; regular fellow; regular guy; a good Joe
fig. brick
inf. sport; crackerjack
| был
gen. be
| её
gen. hers
| отец
gen. father
| не то что
 не то что
context. far from
| нынешние
gen. actual
| деревенские жители
 деревенские жители
gen. village

to phrases
славный малыйstresses
gen. trump; good fella; nice chap; regular fellow; regular guy; a good Joe; a good sort; a jolly fellow; decent fellow; good egg; good fellow; nice boy; nice guy; fine lad (Taras); a hearty cock; good soul
brit. dear old chap (That's Neil Simpkins all over. A dear old chap in a thousand ways, but when it comes to showing some business sense, a complete chump. ART Vancouver); sterling fellow (I eyed him narrowly. I didn't like his looks. Mark you, I don't say I ever had, much, because Nature, when planning this sterling fellow, shoved in a lot more lower jaw than was absolutely necessary and made the eyes a bit too keen and piercing for one who was neither an Empire builder nor a traffic policeman. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver); stout fellow (And one had to admit that it took a lot of squaring, for dear old Bicky, though a stout fellow and absolutely unrivalled as an imitator of bull-terriers and cats, was in many ways one of the most pronounced fatheads that ever pulled on a suit of gents' underwear. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
fig. brick; a brick bat
Gruzovik, inf. nice fellow
inf. sport; crackerjack (Andrey Truhachev); good sort
uncom. trump (colloquial, now rare) An excellent person; a fine fellow, a good egg.)
Славный малый
relig. Good Fellow (A nickname of the devil)
славный умный малый
gen. a regular a wise guy
славный малый: 5 phrases in 2 subjects