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скрывшийся adj.stresses
gen. decamped
скрыться v
gen. disappear; hide (to hide one's feelings – скрывать свои чувства); abscond; decamp; elope; levant; skip; keep dark; kiss off; shift away; bundle out; go into hiding; make away with (с чем-либо; о воре Dim); cut lucky; make lucky; run to earth; take to the woods; show brush; drop out of sight (Anglophile); scuttle off (ellicler); leg-bail; make off; go to ground (anita_storm); get beyond (за что-либо); avoid; be concealed; conceal; keep (from); keep out of sight; sneak away; scutter off (suburbian); get away (Alex_Odeychuk); vanish (из виду: I watched as five coverall-clad figures climbed out and then vanished into the building. 4uzhoj); take flight (4uzhoj); go in (за тучами – о солнце, луне: The sun went in, and the breeze became cold. В.И.Макаров); fly the coop; move off; outfly; sculk away; slink away; slink off; skulk; steal from; be hiding; steal off; beat it!; lam off; run off; scram out; show one's brush; take off (The driver did not stop to investigate and took off leaving the elderly victim on the road. -- скрылся (с места происшествия) • Пока Дед Мороз держал хозяина на прицеле, Снегурочка складывала в сумку ценные вещи. Затем бандиты крепко связали партработника — жены и детей дома не было — и скрылись. (из рус. источника) = took off ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik hide oneself from (pf of скрываться); scurry away (pf of скрываться)
amer., slang take a powder
inf. duck out; split town (DC); scurry away; make away (с украденным/награбленным – to escape with ill-gotten gains: Thieves made away with £50,000 of jewellery in last night's heist. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. cut one's lucky; fly the coop (от преследования и т.п.); go underground; make one's lucky; wing it; elope from (откуда-либо); escape detection (об ошибке и т. п.); make away with; male off; skip off; steal away; tear away; cut lucky (вовремя); go into hiding (от преследования); hide
Makarov., inf. chuck off; tear off
Makarov., inf., amer. skip out; take a run-out powder
media. book it (напр., с места преступления: NFL Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor was arrested Sunday night after cops say he booked it from the scene of an accident. 4uzhoj)
notar. escape
police.jarg. be in the wind (о преступниках Taras)
sec.sys. flee
slang tunnel; beat it; elude
uncom. go to kennel
vernac. mizzle
скрыть v
gen. cast a blind over; glove; they are hand and glove; slur; slur over; conceal; sweep sth. under the rug (что-л.); disguise (disguise one's intentions, feelings – скрывать свои намерения, чувства); dissemble; hide; mask; cloak; dissimulate; hood; keep; suppress; hold back; hush up; keep back; encave; masque; veil; draw the curtain; cover over; bottle up; keep it hidden (That's why all the secrecy, they try to keep it hidden. ART Vancouver); wrap; withhold; cover (cover one's confusion (annoyance) – чтобы скрыть своё смущение (досаду)); hoodwink; vizard
Gruzovik conceal
comp., MS hide (To temporarily remove the onscreen display of an object on the design surface at design time)
context. obfuscate (истинные намерения: Russian plans involve extensive movement of BTGs to / from the border to obfuscate intentions and to create uncertainty. washingtonpost.com 4uzhoj)
fig. smother (дело); draw the curtain (что-либо); shed (I had gotten a lot of requests for sexy things. I have danced a lot of sexy dances so it was ingrained in me. It was difficult to shed that. Victorian)
idiom. blot out (Interex)
law redact (нередко используется в паре с "вымарать": В этом случае часть текста решения будет скрыта (вымарана). 'More)
Makarov. cover up; hide someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); wrap up
obs. bescreen
slang bottle up (Let it be bottled up for a while. == Пусть об этом пока никто не знает.); bag (Let's bag the whole story, O.K.? Скроем всё это дело, согласен? Interex)
скрывший prtc.
SAP.fin. suppressing
: 407 phrases in 28 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Information security and data protection1
Information technology8
Mass media2
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1