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verb | verb | to phrases
скрывать vstresses
gen. hush (обыкн. hush up); bosom; sit on brood (что-л.); cloke; couch; daub; imbosom; keep in; keep one out of sight (кого-л.); palliate (дурное дело); receive; reset (краденые вещи); seal; shelter; keep sth. dark; conceal; disguise; dissemble; hide; mask; cloak; dissimulate (чувства и т. п.); hood; keep; sink; suppress (правду и т. п.); veil; bottle up (обиду и т. п.); cover over; hold back (информацию); hush up; keep back; encave; camouflage (истинные намерения); sit; visor; wrap; keep counsel (что-либо); keep in the dark (что-либо, от кого-либо); keep dark; keep back the truth (от кого-либо); leave in the dark (что-либо, от кого-либо); sweep under the carpet (что-либо); throw a veil; bottle in; hider; pocket; shroud; draw the curtain on; draw the curtain over; keep counsel; keep in the dark (от кого-либо); keep from; sweep under the rug; keep under wraps (Anglophile); keep secret (Woods evaded the question when asked details of how he kept secret his cheating on his wife. ART Vancouver); masque; bottle up; keep quiet (что-либо); keep back (факты и т.п.); cast a veil; draw a veil; withhold; cover; hugger-mugger; occult; cover up; house (залежи и т. п.) Russia and Norway are already in dispute over who controls the Spitsbergen archipelago, which houses large deposits of oil and gas under a frozen continental shelf. I. Havkin); be secretive (что-либо – about / on something Юрий Гомон); keep things from (someone); что-либо) от кого-либо Taras); be very reticent (что-либо – about / on something); sequester (george serebryakov); sigil; keep it hidden (That's why all the secrecy, they try to keep it hidden. ART Vancouver); be very reticent about; benight; blank; cellar (о чувствах); cork (чувства); kennel; retire; shade (от взора, взгляда); elide; mew; shun; shuffle under the rug (Taras); hold back from (правду от кого-либо maystay); undisclose (Trump had undisclosed second meeting with Putin. I. Havkin)
Gruzovik conceal (impf of скрыть)
Игорь Миг be cagey about; keep under the radar; be secretive about; cover up for
busin. wrap up
cinema withhold information
comp., MS hide (To temporarily remove the onscreen display of an application's active window while leaving the application running. Windows that have been hidden are returned to active display by issuing the appropriate command to the operating system)
construct. obscure
dipl. camouflage (истинные намерения и т.п.); screen
el. suppress; suppression
fig. curtain; draw the curtain (что-либо); keep information bottled up (Ремедиос_П); hold (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. hold out (что-либо, от кого-либо VLZ_58); keep guessing (george serebryakov)
inf., obs. hoodwink
law secrete; secret
Makarov. blind; darken; entomb; keep something back from (someone); от кого-либо; что-либо); keep something from (someone); от кого-либо; что-либо); sweep something under the carpet (что-либо); cast a veil over; conceal from (что-либо от кого-либо); draw a veil over; hush; be very reticent on something (что-либо); be very reticent about something (что-либо); blank out; blot out; bottle in (обиду, эмоции и т. п.); bottle up (обиду, эмоции и т. п.); bury in; bury into; cork up; draw the curtain on something (что-либо); hide away; to hugger-mugger; keep back (эмоции и т. п.); keep in concealment; keep one's own counsel (что-либо); keep to oneself (о чувствах); palter with; paper over; throw a veil over
Makarov., inf. plaster over (недостатки, разногласия); sit upon; smother up (неблаговидный поступок, скандал)
mean.1 sit on something (They sat on the bad news as long as they could.)
mil. harbor; harbour; intrench; entrench
obs. imbosk; keep oneself close (что-либо); keep oneself close; huddle
obs., fig. enwomb
poetic enshroud
polit., jarg. stonewall
SAP.tech. collapse; compress
slang sweep under the rug (что-либо); hold out (John held out on Mick when the invitation has come. == Джон скрыл от Мика, что приглашение на вечеринку уже пришло (решил устроить ему сюрприз).); plant
TV pixelate (обнажённые части тела Taras)
uncom. obumbrate; vizor; obturate
скрываться v
gen. disappear; hide; skip; go into hiding (She recalls a case when a woman went into hiding in a village because she did not want to give away a surrogate baby.); keep dark; lurk (в засаде); miche; den; lie up; be in hiding; get out of hearing; get out of sight; lie low; take cover; hider; flee (Tanya Gesse); hide head; conceal oneself; go to ground (anita_storm); avoid; conceal; duck out; keep (from); keep out of sight; sneak away; vanish; evanesce; go in (за тучами – о солнце, луне: The sun went in, and the breeze became cold. В.И.Макаров); abscond (обыкн. с чужими деньгами; тж. от суда); ambuscade; darkle; be at large (о преступнике) One bombing suspect killed, second at large. I. Havkin); be concealed; scurry away; dip; scutter off (suburbian); lie behind it (за Andrey Truhachev); be behind it (за Andrey Truhachev); be at large (о преступнике) контекстное значение) One Boston Marathon Suspect Killed, Second At Large I. Havkin); decamp; be holed up (в безопасном месте Val_Ships); be on the lam (в англоязычных источниках зачастую встречается неправильное написание – to be on the lamb ad_notam); skulk; fly; keep in; obscure one's self; retire; slink; steal; be hiding; steal off
Gruzovik hide oneself from (impf of скрыться); keep out of sight (impf of скрыться); be concealed (impf of скрыться); avoid (impf of скрыться); sneak away (impf of скрыться); scurry away (impf of скрыться); vanish (impf of скрыться)
Игорь Миг live below the radar; keep below the radar (от любопытных глаз)
amer. hide out (от полиции); hide away (от полиции и т.п.); be on the lam (от полиции; Richard has been on the lam for a week now. Val_Ships); to be on the lam (от полиции Val_Ships); be on the lam (от преследования; The gang leader broke out of prison and is still on the lam. Val_Ships)
amer., slang take it on the lam
austral., slang mooch; shoot the Moon
contempt. kennel
explan. sit tight
idiom. make off (Наиболее использованое в разговорном языке Карина Бикзянтеева)
inf. fly under the radar (Rust71); lay low (MichaelBurov)
IT lurk
Makarov. hedge; hide away; hide out (от полиции и т. п.); lie in hiding; make off; steal away; be on the run (от правосудия)
Makarov., inf. lay up
mil., lingo hole in (MichaelBurov)
notar. escape
obs. derne; imbosk
obs., humor. absquatulate
poetic evanish (из виду)
slang greyhound; hide out (особенно от полиции); cut and run; walk away with; walk off with
скрываясь v
gen. in hiding; snug
скрываться v
gen. belie (His attractive appearance belied a certain clumsiness – За его привлекательной внешностью скрывалась некоторая неуклюжесть m_rakova)
: 639 phrases in 46 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Armored vehicles1
Cliche / convention1
Computing slang1
Cultural studies1
Health care1
Information technology1
Mass media20
Obsolete / dated5
Power system protection2
Proper and figurative1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Security systems6
Uncommon / rare2