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сила духаstresses
gen. strength of mind; moral courage; nerve (The power of Nansen's nerve defied belief. – В мощь силы духа Нансена было невозможно поверить. TarasZ); mental strength (nadislo); true grit (Yuri Ginsburg); spirit (Рина Грант); moral fibre (The inner strength to do what one believes to be right; often an ability to make difficult decisions. He lacked the moral fibre to be a leader. WT Alexander Demidov); fortitude (несчастья бояться – счастья не видать); strength of spirit (The main character is flirtatious green-eyed Scarlett. She captivated hearts of many men. Her mind, charm, courage and strength of spirit cannot but attract attention. george serebryakov)
fig. constancy (Andrey Truhachev); firmness (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. the strength of mind
psychol. spiritual strength (Andrey Truhachev)
rel., budd. fortitude
slang pep; swivel (inn)
 Russian thesaurus
сила духа
fig. сила воли (Andrey Truhachev)
psychol. духовная стойкость (Andrey Truhachev)
сила духа
: 20 phrases in 4 subjects