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gen. honk; beep; heliograph; sound horn; hoot; beep a horn; honk the horn (Anglophile); tootle (Anglophile); semaphore; honk horn (с пом. автомоб.гудка Anglophile); signal; beep the horn (Sylvia waves her arms up and down and I beep the horn in response.  4uzhoj); blow the horn (Британский вариант, также особенно распростанено в Индии. Почти каждый индийский грузовик имеет на заднем борту надпись "blow horn" или "horndo". sergiol16)
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auto. horn (звуковой Penguine0001)
disappr. lay on the horn (о нетерпеливом водителе: About 15-20 years ago, I was stopped on the Stanley Park causeway going Northbound by a family of geese crossing over towards Lost Lagoon. This was during the morning rush hour. The cars going the other way stopped too. The idiot directly behind me was laying on the horn like a madman, because I dared to stop for the baby birds. Apparently I should have just driven over them. So anyways, always look both ways when crossing the street, folks. That guy probably still has a license. reddit.com ART Vancouver)
fig. give a warning (of)
Gruzovik, inf. give a warning of (impf of просигналить; = сигнализировать); signal (impf of просигналить; = сигнализировать)
Makarov. sound one's horn; sound the horn
slang flag; office
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects