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gen. tan; lash; discipline; feeze; cut; chop
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gen. what is what

noun | verb | verb | to phrases
сечь nstresses
gen. tan; lash (of rain, wind, etc.); discipline; feeze; cut; chop; hew; cleave; ravel; whip; split; flagellate; swish (розгой); vapulate; twig; switch; tan someone's hide; slash; thrash (of rain, snow, etc); birch; scourge; cane (suburbian); beat; drive; cut off
Gruzovik thrash (impf of высечь); beat (impf of высечь); flog; cut to pieces
Gruzovik, meteorol. of rain, snow, etc pour; of rain, snow, etc lash; of rain, snow, etc drive
inf. lather; keep firing; keep shooting
Makarov., inf. tan someone's hide
Makarov., jarg. be on the ball
nonstand. understand (Супру); be quite good at (Супру); have a good handle (Супру)
slang latch on to something; track; wig; green; read; dig (to understand // You dig? – Сечешь? 4uzhoj)
сечься n
gen. break; tear (of fabric)
Сечь n
Gruzovik, hist. Cossack host
hist. Sich (a Cossack Host in Ukraine jaeger)
сечь v
gen. fustigate (палкой, прутом и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky); flog; swinge
сечёшь? v
inf. get the picture? (Damirules); get the idea? ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); you know what I mean? (Shabe); catch? ("This one's a dilly. Office practice mostly, and seems to sort of specialize in chronic sinus infections. Rather a neat routine. You go in and complain of a sinus headache and he washes out your antrums for you. First of course he has to anesthetize with Novocain. But if he likes your looks it don't have to be Novocain. Catch?" (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); capiche (diyaroschuk); capeesh (diyaroschuk); capish (diyaroschuk); capisce (diyaroschuk)
jarg. you smell what I'm cooking? (4uzhoj)
slang see what i mean? (finofficer); you know what I'm sayin' (Ivan Pisarev); see it? (Shabe); savvy? (stonedhamlet)
сечься v
gen. cut; fray; shred; be brittle (of fabric)
Gruzovik of hair split (impf of посечься); of hair be brittle (impf of посечься); of fabric fray (impf of посечься); of fabric cut (impf of посечься)
cosmet. split (о волосах Rust71)
Gruzovik, obs. fight with sabers, etc (impf of посечься)
obs. fight (with sabers, etc)
секущийся prtc.
gen. frayed (о волосах SAKHstasia)
секущиеся prtc.
cosmet. split (о волосах Rust71)
сечь, чего к чему
: 62 phrases in 14 subjects
Cosmetics and cosmetology2
Figure of speech1