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gen. be angry; boil; bristle; feel angry; fume; tiff
slang bug; put out; have back up
| услышав
gen. hear
| эту
gen. this
| новость
gen. news

verb | verb | to phrases
сердиться vstresses
gen. boil; bristle; feel angry; fume; tiff; be in a pet; be angry with (на кого-либо); be in a tiff; be in passion; be out of temper (на кого-либо); be vexed with (на кого-либо); bite thumbs; get angry; have a grouse against (на кого-либо); sulk with (на кого-либо); anger; be angry with (someone – на кого-либо); look black at (на кого-либо); blow top; sulk; be in a passion; be in a mood (КГА); be down on; be indignant; get mad; wear on; get frustrated (The twin brothers get frustrated with each other when someone isn't listening. They are so funny when they are wrestling! – сердятся друг на друга ART Vancouver); give an attitude (I once accidentally dropped a bottle of bright polish and it shattered, as it hit the floor. The sales associate gave me attitude when I told her. Moscowtran); be cross (about, with); chafe; freak; feel bitter (Andrey Truhachev); be bitter (Andrey Truhachev); be cross with (someone – на кого-либо); be vexed with (someone – на кого-либо); be mad (be mad at someone – сердиться на кого-либо; are you mad at me? – ты на меня сердишься? Don't be mad – не сердись Alter Al); sit in corner (Taras); grudge; grudging; huff; pelt and chafe; repine; stomach; vex; be angry (with на + acc., at); become angry (with); grow angry; lose patience with (smb., на кого́-л.); angry at sb. for (sth); angry with; angry with sb. for (sth.); be angry with sb. for (sth)
Gruzovik be angry (impf of рассердиться); be cross about/with (impf of рассердиться)
Игорь Миг be on a mean streak; go crazy; be peeved; give the cold shoulder; go rogue; get incensed
amer. be sore (Don't be sore at me. – Не сердись на меня. ART Vancouver)
austral., slang do one's nana
fig. fret; fretting; grunt; gruntle
idiom. get your knickers in a twist. (Interex); hot under the collar (Yeldar Azanbayev); hold grudges (VLZ_58)
inf. take on; get uptight (Andrey Truhachev)
jamaic.eng. brindle (isouljah)
Makarov. look black at (someone – на кого-либо); look black upon (someone – на кого-либо); snarl; be cross with (на кого-либо); be up in the air; be angry with someoneat something, at (someone's) doing something (на кого-либо за что-либо); be in a pet to take the pet; be in the air; be vexed; become angry with someoneat something, at (someone's) doing something (на кого-либо за что-либо); boil over; climb the rigging; get angry with someoneat something, at (someone's) doing something (на кого-либо за что-либо); take pet; take the pet; tiff at; be out of temper
obs. tift
slang bug (на кого-то); put out; have one's back up; get the spike; wear on (It wears on my nerves. == Это действует мне на нервы.)
uncom., inf. aggranoy
сердить v
gen. anger; chafe; despite; dissatisfy; irk; pique; tease; annoy; vex; incense; disgruntle; displease; exasperate; irritate; nettle; provoke; roil; ruffle; make angry; enchafe; get someone's back up; put someone's back up (кого-либо); set someone's back up (кого-либо); stick pins into (кого-либо); rouse; spite; get goat (кого-либо); cross (Елена Фенске); huff; displeasure; roughen; steam (кого-либо); touch; put on edge (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik anger
Игорь Миг peeve; rankle
fig. fret; fretting
idiom. ruffle feathers (VLZ_58)
inf. rile; get someone's goat; tick off; tee off (Andrey Truhachev); hack off (Br. Andrey Truhachev); bug (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. anger (someone – кого-либо); cheese off; make someone angry (кого-либо); steam up
Makarov., inf., amer. tee up
Makarov., Scotl. put about
obs. dishumor; dishumour; tar
psychol. distract
rude fuck around with (I bought this diamond ring from a guy who told me he was a 'shaman'. It was the cheapest piece of shit ever that I paid too much money for. However, you don't want to fuck around with a shaman, so I bought it. 4uzhoj)
slang, brit. mither (Andrey Truhachev)
slang, Makarov. aggravate
сердиться на кого-либо за что-либо v
Gruzovik be angry with someone over something; be angry with someone about something
сердиться: 147 phrases in 7 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1