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gen. wrathful; fretful; black; sullen; gruff; grumpy
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to phrases
сердитый adj.stresses
gen. wrathful; fretful; black; sullen; gruff; grumpy; irate; snuffy; stuffy; surly; chumpish; glowering (о взгляде); overthwart; porkey; riley; blistering; crabbed; crotchety; roily; shirty; vicious; grumpish; angry with (someone – на кого-либо); testy; snake headed; out of humor; sour; sulky; ugly (о выражении лица, взгляде); out of temper; down on; peevish; exasperated; angry (with на + acc., at); mad; cross (he is cross with you – он сердит на тебя); cross-grained; cross grained; cranky; vexed (Taras); irascible; spiteful; vexated (HolgaISQ); waspish (levmoris); choleric; fractious; froward; moody; mumpish; passionate; peppering; perverse; pettish; petulant; shrewish; spleenful; spleeny; teeny; waxy; wayward; in a huff
Gruzovik baleful
Игорь Миг peeved; disgruntled (customer)
amer. grouty; rambunctious; agro (Taras)
amer., black.sl. salty (Баян)
austral. snake-headed
austral., inf. ropeable
austral., new.zeal., inf. crook
austral., slang ropable; snakey; wally; wet
cliche. All bent out of shape (Interex)
dial. toothy
fig., inf. savage; severe; strong
Gruzovik, fig. of mustard, etc hot; of mustard, etc strong; of frost, wind, etc severe; of frost, wind, etc savage
Gruzovik, inf. ardent; zealous; diligent; painstaking
idiom. up in arms (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. humpy; sore; rusty
Makarov. angry about something (на что-либо); angry at something (на что-либо)
obs. dragonlike; spleenish; splenitive; stomachous
rel., budd. glowering
rude snotty (kee46)
slang ratty; narky; scotty; hot under the collar; hot; bent out of shape (Mirinare)
UK mardy (in a petulant bad mood; sulky or grumpy: don't be mardy — не сердись Olya34)
vulg. fired up; nowty; pissed off
сердито adv.
gen. angrily; crossly; grumpily; vexedly (rafaeldo); passionately; petulantly; sourly; sullenly; blackly; moodily; wrathfully; frowardly; mardily (Wakeful dormouse); wrathily; scowlingly; grouchily (in a way that shows you are annoyed and ready to complain: No, I don't like it – I never have," he said, grouchily. • "Thanks for nothing," she muttered grouchily. mikcanada); in an angry voice; crustily
fig., inf. very severely; very strongly; zealously
Gruzovik, fig. very strongly; very severely
Gruzovik, inf. zealously
obs. angerly; shrewishly; fractiously; mumpishly; pettishly; pettedly; waywardly; fumingly
сердито: 205 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated2
Scottish usage1