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gen. turn to the police (кого-либо wandervoegel); turn sb. in (преступника: No charges should be filed against this man and he should be left alone to keep doing good things for his fellow citizens. If I knew who the guy was I wouldn’t turn him in for a million dollars. Thank you for your heroism sir! youtube.com ART Vancouver)
amer. turn in (кого-либо; His own brother turned him in. Val_Ships)
inf. turn someone over to the police (4uzhoj); turn someone in to the police (4uzhoj)
law give in charge (кого-либо)
police denounce to the police (Andrey Truhachev); report sb. to the police (colloquial Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. turn oneself in to the police (The suspect has turned himself in to the police. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. surrender to the police
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Makarov. give someone in charge
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: 10 phrases in 3 subjects