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сгинуть vstresses
gen. disappear; self-destruct; make oneself scarce; flee (рустамка); lose (Notburga); self destruct; perish (User); be gone (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik vanish; die
Игорь Миг wind up dead; be nowhere to be found; drop off the radar; fall off radar; fall off the radar; go gentle into that good night; go gentle; wither away; go up in smoke
hobby burn and crash (Анна Ф); become uncool (Анна Ф)
inf. die; vanish
сгинь! v
gen. get thee gone! (Anglophile); begone! (Anglophile); scarper (Andrew Goff); sod off!
Игорь Миг beat it!; shove off!; make yourself scarce!; bug off!
rude be gone (Bartek2001)
rude, BrE piss off! (Taras)
slang go fly a kite!
vulg. go jump in the lake! (Taras)
Сгинь! v
gen. Go chase yourself! (Interex); Go climb a tree! (Interex); Go fry an egg! (Interex); Go soak your head! (Interex); go suck a lemon! (Aspect); Go piss up a rope! (My late father-in-law, who was Canadian, used a variant: instead of "go piss up a rope," he would say "go piss up a stump." Once I asked him about the phrase, and he said he'd learned it while he was an officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. I doubt that it's official military terminiology, though Taras)
Canada Go piss up a stump! (Taras)
slang Forget you! (Interex)
vulg. Get lost! (Taras)
сгинь v
gen. take a walk (driven); go sit on a tack (Bartek2001)
inf. Get lost (Rust71)
сгинувший prtc.
gen. lost (Abysslooker)
slang down the drain (Interex)
: 10 phrases in 6 subjects