
   Russian English
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gen. connect; interconnect; contact; train; get in touch with; get through to
| со
gen. co-
| мной
chinese.lang. xia

verb | verb | to phrases
связать vstresses
gen. bind; connect; put smb. in touch with (smb., smth., кого-л., с кем-л., чем-л.); patch in; unite; associate; put through; band; brace; catenate; concatenate; couple; cramp; faggot; fasten; hedge; immobilize; interconnect; knot; link; stay; tag; pinion; knit up; string together; pin arms to his sides (кого-либо); tie down; colligate; consociate; embind; enchain; entrammel; immanacle; interlink; manacle; piecen; map back (привязать – goo.gl Artjaazz); be astringent; join (inter); cement; combine; crochet; knit; lash; oblige; relate (что-либо с чем-либо); truss; tie; articulate; enfetter; hoop; bind up; peg down; tie up (руки); put in touch with (smb., smth., кого-л., с кем-л., чем-л.); put in touch (with); tie together; pin (кого-либо)
Gruzovik tie together (pf of связывать); join (pf of связывать); combine (pf of связывать); put in touch with (pf of связывать); cement (pf of связывать); knit (pf of вязать); crochet (pf of вязать); connect with; bind
chem. fix
comp., MS link (To connect or associate items or data such as contacts, accounts, or worksheets); relate (To collect objects in a set)
construct. bond
dril. cement grouting
fig. yoke; involve (with с + instr.); entail
Gruzovik, inf. crossbreed (pf of вязать)
inf. crossbreed; put with (кого-либо с кем-либо: I'll put you with our field tech, tell him how to operate it. 4uzhoj)
IT bound; paste link
Makarov. pin someone's arms to his sides (кого-либо); bind together; fasten together; fasten up; join together; lash together; link together; piece together; tie something with something (чём-либо; что-либо); truss up
math. tie (together); group together; relate; wrap up; correlate
uncom. fasciate
связаться v
gen. connect; interconnect; contact; train (с кем-либо); get in touch with (с кем-либо); get through to (с кем-либо); get onto (с кем-либо); get to (с кем-либо); get back to (=перезвонить: I'm not here right now, but please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. bookworm); get involved with (с); tangle (В.И.Макаров); approach (с потенциальным партнёром, контрагентом и т.п., особ. с каки-либо предложением: This morning I was approached by the Courier Mail to write a piece for them. • In 1990, our company was approached by First General Services, a specialty franchise looking for contractors across the country to become a part of their growing restoration organization Vadim Rouminsky); cohere; join (inter); link; brace; cement; colligate; combine; communicate (with someone: Detained person or protected suspect may communicate, or attempt to communicate, with a friend, relative, guardian or independent person, and, if he or she wishes to do so, to ask the person communicated with to attend at the place where he or she is being detained.); concatenate; contact by phone; have to do (with); stay; tie; unite; tie in (с кем-либо); bind (также перен.); bond; put in touch (with); tie together; come in touch with (VLZ_58); come into contact with (VLZ_58); get ahold of (c кем-либо antikeimenos); get in touch (with – с кем-либо); associate; get into touch with (с кем-либо); get hold of (с кем-либо; to find and talk to : to contact: Get hold of John and tell him the meeting's been canceled. • I need to talk to my lawyer, but I haven't been able to get hold of him. • I've been trying to get a hold of my lawyer for days. Drozdova); get back to (someone bookworm); mess (с кем-либо; I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. acebuddy); get mixed up with sb (с кем-либо Andrey Truhachev); reach (someone – с кем-либо; по телефону, почте и т.п.: I don't know how to reach her. • I can't reach him by phone or email. Val_Ships); be with (someone) Simply click the "Contact Us" button below, and we will be with you within 15 minutes. 4uzhoj); reach out (to someone 4uzhoj); fall in (напр., с плохой компанией UniversalLove); cope; make a contact (with – с кем либо sankozh); couple; fall in with (sth., с чем-л.); touch base with...; be in touch (перевод требует уточнения, с кем именно связаться: My agent will be in touch re copyright fees. – Мой агент свяжется с вами по поводу гонорара. • Thank you for your order. One of our representatives will be in touch shortly. – В ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер. • Drop a message below and I'll be in touch via email in 1-3 business days. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik communicate with (pf of связываться); contact by phone (pf of связываться); join (pf of связываться); unite (pf of связываться); cohere (pf of связываться)
Gruzovik, inf. get involved with (pf of связываться); get mixed up with (pf of связываться)
inf. associate (с плохой компанией); take up with (m_rakova); hit sb up (с кем-либо; get in contact with or communicate with someone (call, text, email, etc.) Mirabella76); get involved (with); get mixed up (with); meddle with (с Andrey Truhachev); fall in with (с плохой компанией: I'm afraid that the boy has fallen in with criminals. VLZ_58); get up (with someone; to contact (e.g. by telephone) or to hang out with): I'll get up with you. 4uzhoj); get at (с кем-либо, в т.ч. по телефону) I've got some things to do for about an hour. After that, get at me.); get on the horn (по телефону; Hey Simpson, get on the horn and tell accounting we need more TPS reports. Val_Ships); get back with (someone); I'm not here right now, but please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. VLZ_58)
inf., n.amer. touch base (с кем-либо – with someone: Touch base with Graves and figure out what went wrong. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. tie in
Makarov., inf. train with (с кем-либо); be on
mil. call in (с базой и тп Ant493); radio (по рации/радиосвязи | I radioed company headquarters. 4uzhoj); get in touch (with, с)
slang come knocking on one's door (phrasemix.com Mira_G)
slang, amer. connect (с кем-либо, особ. для получения наркотиков)
UK be onto (to get in touch with someone: I've been onto the local authorities about the drains. VLZ_58)
: 529 phrases in 59 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Artificial intelligence1
Black slang / African-American Vernacular1
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Computer networks2
Figure of speech1
Information technology3
Mass media8
Military lingo3
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Physical chemistry2
Police jargon1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Rail transport1
Road traffic2
SAP tech.1
Security systems1
Textile industry1
Water resources2