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gen. fasten; unscrew; screw together; remove; secure
dril. screw on
inf. break the thread; tear off; tear off the thread
Makarov. screw off
| две
gen. couple
| трубы
gen. pipe
| так чтобы
 так, чтобы
gen. so as
| вода
gen. water
| могла
gen. can
| течь
chem. trickle

verb | verb | to phrases
свинтить vstresses
gen. fasten; unscrew (крышку); remove; secure; screw together
Gruzovik screw together
dril. screw on
Gruzovik, inf. tear off the thread from a bolt or nut (pf of свинчивать); break the thread from a bolt or nut (pf of свинчивать)
inf. break the thread (from a bolt or nut); tear off; unscrew
Makarov. screw off
railw. screw
slang split (Баян)
свинтиться v
gen. screw together; unscrew
Gruzovik, inf. strip the thread (pf of свинчиваться); lose the thread (pf of свинчиваться)
inf. break the thread (from a bolt or nut); tear off
inf., tech. lose the thread; strip
shipb. work off
свинти: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil and gas technology1