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gen. fold up; wind down; screw off
dipl. wind up
fig. inf. pile up; put on
inf. have an affair; lord it over
math. form the convolution of
mil. scale down
| шею
gen. neck

verb | verb | to phrases
свернуть vstresses
gen. fold up; wind down (Anglophile); screw off; curdle; cut down; remove by screwing; turn round and round; roll up (Hodja Nasreddin rolled up the carpet of impatience and placed it in the coffer of waiting.); ball up (валиком; to coil up into a ball: I balled up my coat on the desk, laid my head down and went to sleep. 4uzhoj); turn off (отклониться, свернуть с дороги и т.п.: Was this the first time you saw the convoy after you turned off [the main road] in town XXX?); scrap (напр., работы, проект Баян); turn one's back (работу Sergei Aprelikov); coil (в моток) coil the cables 4uzhoj); turn (square_25); turn off (отклониться, свернуть с дороги и т.п.)); minimise; wrap; abort (в контексте, напр., "свернуть поиски" – "to abort the search" Рина Грант); furl; coil (up); lap; strike (палатки); convolve; wrench; wrap up; wring (шею); wring off (голову); wringer (шею); cut back; coagulate; reduce; spin; twirl; conclude (прекратить какую-либо деятельность Abysslooker); exit (с дороги)
Игорь Миг undo; mark a decisive end to; de-escalate; scuttle
amer. close up shop (бизнес, дело; The time has come to close up shop and move to another town. Val_Ships); turn in (куда-либо; I'll turn in for gas now. Val_Ships)
comp. collapse; minimize
comp., MS collapse (To reduce the amount of information displayed by hiding from view the subentries within a folder, section or conversation, or a portion of text or other content within a control)
dipl. wind up (что-либо)
fig. pull the plug (on something; to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue: The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project. • If the viewing figures drop much more, the TV network will probably pull the plug on the whole series. Val_Ships)
fig., inf. pile up; put on; overcome; weaken
Gruzovik, fig. revert to; turn to; put on; pile up; weaken (of illness); overcome (of illness)
Gruzovik, inf. do quickly; displace (with a blow); move (with a blow); make quickly; knock off; wrap up in; bundle up; strip (the thread from a bolt or nut); tear off (the thread from a bolt or nut); shift (with a blow)
idiom. pull the plug on (The government pulled the plug on the project when it became too expensive. VLZ_58)
inf. have an affair (with); lord it over; twist round little finger; twist off; coil up (4uzhoj); drill; displace; move; boss; do; envelope; perforate; roll (up); strip; wring (off); wrench (off)
Makarov., dipl. wound up (что-либо)
Makarov., inf. fold up (предприятие и т. п.)
math. form the convolution of; coil up; contract; curtail; fold; convolute
mil. scale down; stow (из боевого положения в походное // hydraulically deployed and stowed 4uzhoj)
news scale back (MichaelBurov)
op.syst. iconify (свернуть окно в иконку на панели задач su)
progr. decommission (работы и т.п. Alex_Odeychuk)
shipb. haul off
tech. swerve
свернуться v
gen. roll up; be cut back; clabber; clot; coagulate; congeal; convolve; cuddle; curdle; huddle; posset; snuggle; snuggle down; retract (Liv Bliss); snake around (как змея Баян); be curtailed; fold (of leaves); sour; roll; fibrillate; to convolute; revert (to former topic of conversation, etc); revert (to former topic of conversation; etc)
Gruzovik curl up
cook. get gummy (о сыре, когда он добавляется в горячую смесь или соус Анна Ф)
dial. change (into); turn (into)
fish.farm. coagulate (о крови dimock); coil up (dimock); set (dimock); curd (dimock)
Gruzovik, bot. convolve (of leaves); fold (of leaves); convolute (of leaves)
Gruzovik, dial. turn into; change into
Gruzovik, fig. be reduced; be curtailed
Gruzovik, inf. fall down; be twisted off (of a screw, bolt, or nut); lose the thread (of a screw, bolt, or nut); die (after a brief illness)
idiom. turn one's toes (z484z)
inf. fold up; fall (down); be twisted off
Makarov. clot (о молоке, сливках)
: 313 phrases in 36 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Figure of speech1
Information technology7
Intelligence and security services1
Martial arts and combat sports1
Mass media2
Obsolete / dated3
Oil / petroleum1
Rail transport1
Road traffic4
SAP tech.2