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gen. mat; couch
| валенки
gen. felt boot

verb | verb | to phrases
свалять vstresses
gen. mat; couch; do hastily; drag; knock off; roll; entangle; felt; knead
Gruzovik full (pf of валять); tangle; felt (pf of валять); couch (pf of валять); knead (pf of валять); entangle; mat
Gruzovik, inf. botch; bungle; knock off; do hastily
inf. drub; botch; bungle; castrate; do in haste; do carelessly; geld; thrash; whip; beat (если в смысле "убраться", то правильно beat it ART Vancouver; в русском - "свалить" ("свалять" такого значения не имеет) 'More; и даже "валить" (в повелительном наклонении - "вали отсюда" или в том же значении "ну-ка свалил отсюда!") 'More)
сваляться v
gen. become matted; become felted; become fulled; form a tangled mass (of hair, wool, etc); get tangled; mat; felt
Gruzovik mat of hair, wool, etc (pf of сваливаться); get tangled of hair, wool, etc (pf of сваливаться); form a tangled mass of hair, wool, etc (pf of сваливаться)
inf. pass (of clouds, etc; непонятно ART Vancouver); felt up (после стирки и сушки | to change texture so as to become matted and felt-like (vocabulary.com): "So happy! Just purchased a Cowichan sweater, from local buy sell. They are so warm, I just wore it on our walk and now I am sweaty!" "Oh that’s so pretty!! No dryer for that okay? Because it’s gonna felt up!!! Great find!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
свалявшийся prtc.
gen. clotted
agric. felted (о шерсти)
polym. stringy (о волокне)
свалянный prtc.
textile stringy
свалять: 43 phrases in 11 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Oceanography & oceanology1
Scottish usage1
Textile industry3