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verb | verb | to phrases
сбыть vstresses
gen. pass out (товар); get rid (of); dispose (of); get off; recede (of rising waters); sell; get rid of; fall; palm off; plant on; pass out; work off; dump; place; push off (товары); fence (украденный товар Tanya Gesse); go off
Игорь Миг market
econ. work off (товар)
Gruzovik, commer. sell off (pf of сбывать)
Gruzovik, inf. diminish (pf of сбывать); decrease (pf of сбывать); drop (pf of сбывать); dwindle (pf of сбывать)
inf. drop; dwindle; diminish; dispose (of); decrease; get rid (of)
patents. palm-off; dispose of
slang flog (краденое Anglophile)
сбыться v
gen. come true; come to fruition; fall (of water level); market; sell (off); be realized; be to be (DEniZZrus)
Gruzovik be realized (pf of сбываться)
esot. come to pass (о предсказании, пророчестве: Some of her more remarkable predictions that supposedly would later come to pass were the death of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey in 1530, the English Civil War in the mid-1600s, Oliver Cromwell's rise to power, the Restoration of the monarchy, the Black Death of 1665, The Great Fire of 1666, the rise of Queen Elizabeth and her reign, the death of Mary Queen of Scots, the reign of James I, King Henry VIII seizing power from the Catholic Church and his creation of the Church of England, and countless wars, storms, disasters, and catastrophes, among others. – сбылись mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, obs. happen (pf of сбываться)
inf. drop; dwindle; diminish; dispose (of); dump; palm off; decrease; get rid (of); push off
obs. happen
сбыв v
Gruzovik, inf. drop; fall; decrease
сбыть: 98 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Obsolete / dated1