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ругать на чём свет стоитstresses
gen. give somebody hell; curse someone or something up hill and down dale; call someone everything one can lay one's tongue to; drub; curse until blue in the face (He cursed at them until he was blue in the face Taras)
Игорь Миг chastise; tongue-lash; curse with all one's might (Отец ходил по саду и ругал грозу на чём свет стоит – My father walked in the garden and cursed the thunderstorm with all his might. -– mberdy.17); sling muck at
fig.of.sp. curse up hill and down dale (Interex)
idiom. curse up hill and down
inf. curse a blue streak (e_mizinov)
ругаться на чём свет стоит
gen. curse and damn; swear like a fishwife
Gruzovik swear like a trooper
Makarov. make the air blue; swear hard
proverb swear like a bargee; swear like a lord; swear like a sailor; swear like a trooper; swear like blazes; turn the air blue; make to turn the air blue
ругать кого-либо на чём свет стоит
inf. give someone hell
ругать на чём свет стоит
: 3 phrases in 1 subject