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gen. Speak bluntly (Islet); pull no punches (Рубить с плеча – – говорить прямо и резко (о чём-либо отрицательном). Обычно характерно для простого человека. Ср. резать правду матку. Энциклопедический словарь по психологии и педагогике. to deal with something honestly without hiding anything. *One congressional leader pulled no punches, saying "we have a recession." The 20-minute training video pulls no punches, showing chilling pictures of accident victims. Usage notes: often used in the form not pull any punches: The television network isn't pulling any punches with the subject matter on its new show. Opposite of: pull your/it's punches See also: pull, punch Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003. No Filters, a one-day Moscow art show, exhibited a range of patriotic caricatures dedicated to President Vladimir Putin. The cartoons pull no punches with their love for Putin and antagonism of the United States. TG Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik, inf. speak straight from the shoulder
idiom. say straight from the shoulder (Yeldar Azanbayev); shoot from the hip (Kevin often shoots from the hip and gets into trouble over what he says Taras)
рубить с плеча
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1