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gen. adventure (adventure one's life – рисковать жизнью); chance (let us chance it – рискнём); dare (dare the perils of arctic travel – пренебречь всеми опасностямир полярного путешествия); go nap on (чем-либо; napoleon); take risks; take one's chance (на что-либо); try one's luck; put on a cast; set on a cast; stake on a cast; take a chance (на что-либо); have a go at; take a dare; take a gamble on (чем-либо); take a risk; take a swing doing; try luck; lead with one's chin (Pickman); take the chance (They took the chance and won. -- Они рискнули и победили. ART Vancouver); take chance of; take the risk of; venture on; venture upon; take chances (Taras); run a chance; run risks; run the risk (of); take the risk (of); flip for it (indexland); venture (to); game (sever_korrespondent); take the dare (VLZ_58); go for it (to decide to seize the opportunity and see how things go regardless of the risk involved) Olga Fomicheva); stand the chance of (чем-л.); make a push at; risk; chance one's arm; run the risk of (sth); take a chance on (sth); take one's chance on (sth.); take chances on (sth); take risks of (sth.); take the risks (Taras)
Gruzovik risk; run the risk of (semelfactive of рисковать); take the risk of (semelfactive of рисковать)
Игорь Миг work up the nerve
austral. give it a bash (VLZ_58)
austral., slang stick one's neck out
fig.of.sp. step out on a limb (Халеев)
idiom. go to the limit (Andrey Truhachev); take a flyer (VLZ_58); take pot luck (We had to take pot luck parking in somebody else's space, which could have ended up with our car being towed. 4uzhoj); roll the dice (He wanted the firm to learn how to roll the dice. That was no surprise, given his reputation as a risk-taker. Nibiru); up the ante (WhatIfSports was a side project of a couple of sports fans working for a computer consulting company in Cincinnati, Ohio. After numerous lunchroom debates on which great historical baseball teams would win if they could play each other, a few guys decided to up the ante [and] undertake the challenge of trying to write an advanced baseball simulator ... that would work on a website. wikipedia.org)
inf. take a plunge (to do something risky or daring (АБ) Berezitsky); go out on a limb (Lascutik); give it a shot (VLZ_58); give it a go (VLZ_58); push one's luck (Go ahead. Open your mouth, asshole. Push your fucking luck. 4uzhoj); give it a try (MichaelBurov)
Makarov. hazard; set a cast; stake a cast; take a chance (of); take a gamble; take one's chance of; go nap on something
nautic. take a yaw
slang go for broke (She decided to go for broke and start her own restaurant. VLZ_58)
UK take a punt at something (take a punt at betting Wakeful dormouse)
рискнём v
gen. let's chance it; let us venture it ("I don't suppose they remember faces in so busy a place. Let us venture it." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
рискнём! v
inf. let's chance it!
Рискни v
slang bright it on (akianchick)
: 77 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Cliche / convention1