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решающий вопросstresses
gen. life-or-death; all-important question; crucial question; crux; life or death; tiebreaker question (bigmaxus); threshold issue (Fallen In Love); critical issue; crucial subject; decisive question (Andrey Truhachev)
Игорь Миг pivotal question
amer. the $64 question (выражение возникло в связи с радиоигрой, во время которой радиослушателю, находящемуся в студии, куда допускается публика по платным билетам, предлагается ответить на семь тематических вопросов. За каждый удачный ответ приз удваивается, т.е. он составляет 1-2-4-8-16-32-64 доллара, причём седьмой вопрос является самым сложным); the sixty four dollars question
idiom. million-dollar question (Andrey Truhachev); sixty-four-thousand-dollar question (Andrey Truhachev)
law threshold question
media. decisive issue (bigmaxus)
mil. crucial issue
решать вопрос
gen. deal with a problem; deal with a subject; tackle a subject; judge; make decision (kavsrv); resolve an issue (kee46); tackle an issue (Ivan Pisarev)
Игорь Миг deal with an issue
amer. tackle (Val_Ships)
busin. decide the issue
corp.gov. deal with the business (Alexander Demidov)
econ. clinch; settle a point; decide a matter; decide a problem; resolve a matter; resolve a problem; settle a matter; settle a problem
law resolve a question (= deal with it in a satisfactory way Wolverine9)
Makarov. deal with a matter; decide a question; decide an issue; decide the matter; handle an issue; settle a question; settle the question; solve a question; solve problem; tackle a problem; take up the matter; solve matter
O&G, sakh. address an issue
решать вопросы
gen. deal with the matters (bookworm); tackle issues (misha-brest); handle problems (Tanya Gesse); take care of problems (Tanya Gesse)
busin. get things done (Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. sort out questions
O&G address issues
O&G, sakh. resolve issues
Решался вопрос
gen. the issue at stake was
решающие вопросы
gen. cruces
решается вопрос
gen. a decision is pending (a decision is pending about whether to buy computers or sports equipment with this money VLZ_58)
решающий вопрос
: 126 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bookish / literary1
Drug-related slang1
Human resources1
Mass media5