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gen. make one's own choices (Taras)
Makarov. decide for oneself
решай сам
gen. it's up to you to decide; it's your choice (TranslationHelp); it's your call (TranslationHelp)
cliche. decide for yourself (Is this type of financing the right choice for you? Decide for yourself. ART Vancouver); use your own judgement (‘Should I invest in this business?’ ‘Use your own judgement.’  ART Vancouver)
product. it's up to you (Yeldar Azanbayev)
решайте сами
gen. choose for yourself; settle it among yourselves; whatever rings your chimes (4uzhoj); judge for yourself (сформируйте своё мнение markovka)
решать самому: 18 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Human resources1