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решать vstresses
gen. outcome (Our New protocol outcomes key technological challenges. Lyubov_Zubritskaya); solve; work out; work out (пример и т.п.); adjudge; award; define; tackle (проблему; вопрос: How can we start to tackle the problem If you don't put your hands up and admit that you're on them; Today we are going to tackle the question of the pronunciation of this word Nok_t123); determinate (судебное дело); give judgment; pass; bring to pass; prevail on; prevail upon; prevail with; set on (что-л.); set upon (что-л.); sit; try; settle (an argument, dispute, etc.); make up one's mind; decide (with inf. or a dependent clause, to or that); resolve; dare; risk; choose; fix (срок, цену и т. п.); handle; fix up; conclude; judge; elect; choise; rule on (bigmaxus); brainstorm; deal (вопрос, проблему with); make up; decide upon whether to (snowleopard); work out (задачу); make a decision; make up mind; adjudicate; foreclose (вопрос и т.п.); hold (о суде); agree (что-либо сделать); determine (судебное дело); work (пример и т. п.); do; answer; make a judgment (The couple is making a judgment about which paint color will look best. VLZ_58); complete (напр., complete the issue – решить вопрос or решать вопрос MichaelBurov); assume (приходить к преждевременным выводам SirReal); dispose of (MichaelBurov); regulate (MichaelBurov); actuate (MichaelBurov); arbitrate (MichaelBurov); opt (MichaelBurov); ordain (MichaelBurov); fix upon (MichaelBurov); cinch (MichaelBurov); terminate (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik make up one's mind
Игорь Миг grapple with
account. vote
amer. clean the barn (старые проблемы; Ex-House Speaker Boehner cleans the barn for Paul Ryan before departing. Val_Ships); clean the bar (старые проблемы; Ex-House Speaker Boehner cleans the barn for Paul Ryan before departing. Val_Ships)
austral., slang nut out; crack (проблему, кроссворд и т.п.)
busin. settle
construct. handle (проблему)
econ. give a decision; reach a decision
el. determinate; solve (задачу, уравнение)
fig., obs. dispel
goldmin. resolve (напр., to resolve certain license issues Leonid Dzhepko)
Gruzovik, fig. dispel (impf of решить)
Gruzovik, obs. kill (impf of решить); deprive of (impf of решить)
idiom. call the shots (This reminded me of a lesson I took away from earlier dealings with Russians: They always know what they want, so you'd better know what you want or they will roll right over you. And in today's Russia, the question is what does Vladimir Putin want, because he calls the shots on anything of consequence. MichaelBurov)
inf. lead the parade (=командовать парадом: We are the ones leading the parade here, no matter what those arrogant assholes may think. – Тут решаем мы. 4uzhoj)
IT extract (задачу); unit resolution
law hold; find; rule; pass on; pass upon
Makarov. solve (e. g., a set of equations by iteration; напр., систему уравнений итерированием); solve (уравнение, задачу); decide (выбирать курс действий); decide (делать выбор); design (конструировать, проектировать); direct; make a decide (выбирать курс действий); resolve (проблему и т.п.); tackle (что-либо); work up (задачу и т.п.); settle (вопрос); treat (конструировать, проектировать); work out (задачу и т.п.); make the decision; come down (в чью-либо пользу); pass on (что-либо); pass upon (что-либо); put at rest; see fit (что делать); set at rest; solve something (что-либо); sort out (проблему); think fit (что делать)
math. work with; decide upon
mech.eng., obs. resolve (задачу)
media. agree; decide; determine; remedy
nautic. solve (задачу, проблему)
navig. solve (напр. задачу); work
obs. dijudicate (между двумя сторонами); deprive (of); kill
obs., Makarov. decree
patents. occur; order
psychol. solve (проблему)
seism. solve (уравнение, проблему)
slang clinch (I want to clinch this contract before the weekend. Я хочу завершить этот договор до выходных Interex); play off (напр., your driving skill is playing off ты очень круто водишь машину Drunk Krishna); kick something around
therm.eng. solve (задачу)
решаться v
gen. decide (with на + acc., on); resolve; choose; go (на что-либо); come to the scratch (на что-либо); dare do something (на что-либо Lana Falcon); make up one's mind (with inf., to); bring oneself (to); solve; make a decision (MichaelBurov); complete (MichaelBurov); rule (MichaelBurov); actuate (MichaelBurov); arbitrate (MichaelBurov); dispose of (MichaelBurov); ordain (MichaelBurov); fix upon (MichaelBurov); cinch (MichaelBurov); determine; be determined (to); venture; be resolved; terminate (MichaelBurov); pretend (VLZ_58); get solved (with ... – с помощью ... Alex_Odeychuk); be at issue (MichaelBurov); be decided (MichaelBurov); take one's chance на что-либо (MichaelBurov); take a chance (на что-либо MichaelBurov); arrive at a decision (MichaelBurov); arrive come to a decision (MichaelBurov); go the length of (на что-либо MichaelBurov); have the heart to (что-либо MichaelBurov); be bent on (на что-либо MichaelBurov); resolve to do (на что-либо MichaelBurov); take the plunge (MichaelBurov); take chance of (на что-либо MichaelBurov); go as far as (на что-либо MichaelBurov); come to a decision (MichaelBurov); find it in heart to do (на что-либо MichaelBurov); come up to scratch на что-либо (MichaelBurov); be at stake (MichaelBurov); have the guts (Дмитрий_Р MichaelBurov); take guts (Дмитрий_Р MichaelBurov); work up the nerve In 2003 it took Putin months to work up the nerve to arrest Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the country's richest man. --- Guardian.17 (MichaelBurov); bring oneself to (pf of решаться; Gruzovik - MichaelBurov); be determined to (pf of решаться; Gruzovik - MichaelBurov); dare to (pf of решаться; Gruzovik - MichaelBurov); be dealt with (Johnny Bravo); step up to the plate (на смелый поступок vogeler); work up the nerve In 2003 it took Putin months to work up the nerve to arrest Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the country's richest man. --- Guardian.17 (Игорь Миг MichaelBurov); determinate; settle; take resolution; trust; wage; make up one’s mind (with inf., to); dare (with inf., to)
Gruzovik make up one's mind to (impf of решиться); decide to (impf of решиться); bring oneself to (impf of решиться); be determined to (impf of решиться); venture (impf of решиться)
Игорь Миг get around to; be at play
fig., obs. dispel
Gruzovik, inf. lose (impf of решиться); be deprived of (impf of решиться); be ruined (impf of решиться); die (impf of решиться); perish (impf of решиться)
inf. die; perish; be deprived (of); be ruined; lose
Makarov. be solvable (поддаваться решению); be determined (to); bring oneself (to); set upon (на что-либо); go to (на что-либо)
obs. deprive (of); kill
решаемый adj.
gen. addressable (Most problems are not as complicated as they may appear, so we can think sufficiently if we feel confident, knowing the issue is addressable. 4uzhoj); manageable (The good news is that any problems you have in your life right now will be so manageable that they could actually end up being fun! VLZ_58)
account. solvable
econ. under control (As it turned out, many of these tangible capital issues were under control. A.Rezvov)
Makarov. resolvable
math. at hand (о задаче)
решала v
gen. problem solver (He is a great problem solver. george serebryakov)
fig. power broker (Vadim Rouminsky)
slang spurr (notilt); foxer (Ivan Pisarev); enforcer (eugene12345)
решая v
math. by solving; if we solve; solving
решаем v
Игорь Миг is not insurmountable (говоря о проблемах и проч.)
окончательно решать v
inf. clinch (Andrey Truhachev)
решает v
slang for the win (SirReal)
решаемая: 967 phrases in 79 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
American usage, not spelling10
Artificial intelligence7
Automated equipment3
Aviation medicine1
Bookish / literary1
Business style1
Cliche / convention7
Computer games1
Corporate governance1
Data processing2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3
Figure of speech1
Human resources4
Information security and data protection4
Information technology10
Maritime law & Law of the Sea2
Mass media22
Mechanic engineering1
Obsolete / dated3
Oil and gas2
Power system protection1
Quantum electronics1
Quotes and aphorisms3
Real estate2
Research and development4
Security systems3
Weapons and gunsmithing1