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рекреационные зоныstresses
ecol. recreation facilities (iwona)
рекреационная зона
construct. recreational zone
ecol. recreation site; recreation zone; recreational area; rest area
med. recreation area (A recreation area is a type of protected area designated in some jurisdictions. In the United States, National Recreation Areas are administered by several different agencies. They typically do not meet the strict guidelines to become national parks. In U.S. state park systems, recreation areas may also fail to meet some criteria to be designated state parks, such as having a large number of non-contiguous properties. Size is not necessarily a defining criteria. For instance, in Cleveland, the largest state recreation area, Waterloo Recreation Area is 20,500-acre (83 km2) while the smallest state park is the 31-acre (0.13 km2) Tri-Centennial State Park and Harbor. Wiki. ***An area used by the public for recreation Example Sentences Including "recreation area" 2. The bonus room provides an additional recreation area. EDMONTON SUN (2003) He has given up his strict regime of exercise and now walks alone around the recreation area. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) The N-n-n-n-nineteenth Hole, designated as the non-playing recreation area , proved equally popular. BUSINESS TODAY (2003) The finished basement recreation area even has a dance floor. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) Their horseplay forced other residents to leave the recreation area. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2000). Collins Alexander Demidov)
trav. regeneration area (Notburga)
рекреационные зоны
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects