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law go into a nosedive (go into a nosedive and take a nosedive 1. Lit. [for an airplane] suddenly to dive toward the ground, nose first. It was a bad day for flying, and I was afraid we'd go into a nosedive. The small plane took a nosedive. The pilot was able to bring it out at the last minute, so the plane didn't crash. 2. . Fig. [for someone] to fall to the ground face first. She took a nosedive and injured her face. 3. . Fig. to go into a rapid emotional or financial decline, or a decline in health. Our profits took a nosedive last year. After he broke his hip, Mr. Brown's health went into a nosedive, and he never recovered. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. й 2002 Alexander Demidov)
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gen. curtail drastically (что-либо); hack; slash (e.g., funding, a budget Liv Bliss); drastically reduce (A drug for people with high blood pressure can also drastically reduce the risk of a stroke. capricolya)
Makarov. curtail something drastically (что-либо)
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: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
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