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gen. jerk; give a wrench; buckjump; dash; charge in
dril. yank
inf. blow up
inf. fig. resound loudly
obs. dial. yerk
| домой
gen. home

verb | verb | to phrases
рвануть vstresses
gen. jerk; give a wrench (что-либо); buckjump; dash (PurCitron); charge in (lazyass); buck; hurry (См. пример в статье "помчаться". I. Havkin); hare (Vadim Rouminsky); tug; peel out (быстро уезжать на машине vogeler)
dril. yank
Gruzovik, fig. resound loudly
Gruzovik, inf. rush off; execute energetically; do energetically; tug at; start with a jerk; dash off; take off; carry out energetically; smash to pieces; tear to pieces; blow up; detonate; grab; steal
idiom. get off to a running start (Баян)
inf. blow up; carry out energetically; detonate; do; execute; smash to pieces; start with a jerk; steal; take off; tear (to pieces); tug (at); shoot off (с места) Ruby guns the engine and the old car shoots off down the street. // The car shoots off and disappears down th road. // We shot off like a rocket from the start and held our power, passion, concentration, and technique to and through the finish line. // Gravel and dirt screamed out from under the tires but when they got traction we shot off like a rocket down the road. 4uzhoj); blast (c места: He got in the Porsche and blasted out of there 4uzhoj); make off as fast as one can ("We went off as fast as we could to get away from that debris," Robinson said. // "And then we were off as fast as we could, heading for the Vietnam border," he says. // Then we made off as fast as we could down a side road to the left into a bit of a hollow. 4uzhoj); grab; hoof it (VLZ_58); dash off (hurry away, depart in a hurry // He dashed off as though he was being chased. 4uzhoj); head out (куда-то April May); gun it (Yan Mazor); dart; start with a lurch; lurch forward
inf., fig. resound loudly
Makarov. dust it; pull away (со стоянки)
mil., lingo go off (т.е. взорваться 4uzhoj)
obs., dial. yerk
slang make a pass at; tear off (прочь linton)
рвануться v
gen. dart; sprint; make a dart (к двери); make a spurt; give a jerk; make a dart (броситься, кинуться, к двери); make a spirt; rush (Andrew Goff); make a dash; scamper (alemaster); dash (PurCitron); skive; whip; lunge (Olya34)
amer. bolt out (as in "he bolted out of the room"; на выход Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, inf. start with a jerk; burst; detonate; explode
inf. explode; burst; detonate; start with a jerk
Makarov. make a dart; put on a spurt
Makarov., sport. get away
: 53 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Military lingo2