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расцениваемый какstresses
Игорь Миг perceived as
расцениваться как
gen. signify (данное обстоятельство не будет расцениваться как согласие = this will not signify the consent. In such a situation, signature does not signify the consent of a State to be bound by the treaty, although it does oblige the State to refrain from acts which would ... | But having a discussion with the director of medical services, who then takes a report to John Adey, the head of the NBA, does not signify the consent of clinical experts on Merseyside. | ... any applicable law, this will not signify a waiver of the Company's rights, and those rights and remedies will still be available to the Company. | Doing this WILL NOT signify that you owe the debt Alexander Demidov); be deemed to be (Johnny Bravo)
расценивать как
Игорь Миг slam as (в негат. конт.)
расцениваемый как
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects