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verb | verb | to phrases
расхваливать vstresses
gen. puff; tout; praise overmuch; bullhorn; chant the praises; make the most of; make a pitch for (что-либо); preach up (что-либо); you only have a week, so make the most of it; speak words of praise; write up (в печати); cry up; spruik (Pippy-Longstocking); talk up (talk something – up phrasal verb: to make something appear more important, interesting, successful etc than it really is: Jones talked up the idea at the meeting. LDCE. Ahead of the signing ceremony, Russian officials were talking up the benefit of the deal, which will still need to be ratified by the Russian parliament in the next six months. BBC Alexander Demidov); lavish praise (on, upon); glamour; glorify; praise; oversell (It’s tempting to oversell a solution to achieve buy-in, but the downside is that the users may have unrealistic expectations that the Knowledge Management system will never meet. VLZ_58); belaud (VLZ_58); be full of praise (of someone/something Andrey Truhachev); rhapsodize about (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodise about (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodize over (Wakeful dormouse); rhapsodise over (Wakeful dormouse); fuff; puff off; extol; rave about; make the most of...
Gruzovik extol; lavish praise on/upon (impf of расхвалить)
Игорь Миг give credit; trumpet
amer. run; sell (какой-либо товар, кандидата на выборах)
fig. puff up (незаслуженно Taras)
idiom. sing sb's praises (Aunt Lizzie didn't want to move to that nursing home in Sechelt, but now she sings its praises every day, she really does. ART Vancouver)
inf., amer. pitch (что-либо)
Makarov. chant the praises of (кого-либо); glamour up; lavish praise on, upon; praise to the skies; shower praise on, upon
Makarov., inf., amer. talk up (чего-либо)
obs. bepuff
relig. extoll
slang snap up; boost (The salesman was boosting his can openers. Helene2008); hype up (Interex)
slang, amer. hype (обыкн. незаслуженно)
subl. vaunt
расхваливаться v
gen. extol; lavish praise (on, upon)
Gruzovik, inf. begin to boast excessively (impf of расхвалиться); begin to brag excessively (impf of расхвалиться)
inf. begin to boast; begin to brag excessively
расхваливаемый prtc.
Игорь Миг highly vaunted
disappr. touted as (to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something (Cambridge Dictionary) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
расхваливать: 47 phrases in 13 subjects
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media4
Uncommon / rare1