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verb | verb | to phrases
растянувшись vstresses
gen. at full length; spread out on a surface
uncom. asprawl
растянуться v
gen. strain; elongate; stretch; fall full length (во весь рост); stretch oneself out; spreadeagle (на полу и т.п. после падения denghu); fall flat; stretch out (разлечься); distend; extend; lengthen; lengthen out; prolong; sprain; spread; wear out (by stretching); expand; sprawl; pancake; couch; couch one's limbs; lay along; overspan; slack (о натянутой верёвке); slacken (о натянутой верёвке); become stretched
Gruzovik spread out (pf of растягиваться); lengthen out (pf of растягиваться); extend (pf of растягиваться); wear out by stretching (pf of растягиваться)
brit. tail back (о транспорте на дороге lexicographer)
fig. protract; drag on; drag out
Gruzovik, fig. drag on (pf of растягиваться); drag out (pf of растягиваться)
inf. die; stretch out; tumble headlong; go sprawling; be stretched out; be dragged out (over a period of time)
Makarov. measure one's length (упасть); sprawl out; stretch oneself (лежа); string out
nautic. unbend
растянуть v
gen. sprain; spread out; stretch; strain; drawl; prolong; ease; elongate; expand; overblow; pull; sprawl; rick (мышцу); drag out (рассказ и т. п.); spin out; wrick (мышцу); draw out to a great length (доклад и т. п.); give a stretch (что-либо); sprain (GeorgeK); wiredraw; overreach (ся); lengthen; make it last (NumiTorum); spread; wrench (Aly19); spread out (It is a one day course but you can spread it out over more days if you like. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik extend (pf of растягивать)
archit. elm
comp., MS stretch (To adjust the size of an item to fit its container)
Makarov. spring (мышцу, сухожилие); string out; eke out; wear out (лишить упругости); pull (мышцу, сухожилие); drag out; stretch out (сделать слишком длинным)
math. distend; stretch out
tech. spread (напр.: It's easier to pay off a $300,000 mortgage if you can spread those payments over 30 years instead of having to pay it off in just 25. Actually, it's not a technical term, here's a good example of its usage: "It's easier to pay off a $300,000 mortgage if you can spread those payments over 30 years instead of having to pay it off in just 25." – растянуть на 30 лет)
uncom. protract
: 154 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
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