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verb | verb | to phrases
расточать vstresses
gen. squander; waste (деньги, энергию и т. п.); dissipate (время, силы); lavish; wanton; play ducks and drakes; play away; tine; slather; wanton away; play ducks and drakes with something (Anglophile); dilapidate; shed (милости); make ducks and drakes of; play ducks and drakes with; fiddle away; fiddle; consume (состояние, время); scatter; bangle to bang away; cast away; dispense (милости); effuse; embezzle; misspend; spend; trifle away
fig. shower
Gruzovik, fig. shower
Gruzovik, obs. disperse (impf of расточить)
law spendthrift
Makarov. make ducks and drakes of something (что-либо); make ducks and drakes with something (что-либо); play duck-out with something (что-либо); play ducks and drakes with something (что-либо); sport away; wanton away (время, ресурсы); make duck-out of something (что-либо)
obs. disperse; debauch; dispence (милости); unhoard
rel., christ. throw away (AlexandraM)
расточаться v
gen. dissipate; squander; waste
fig. lavish; shower
Gruzovik, obs. ruin oneself (impf of расточиться); disperse (impf of расточиться); scatter (impf of расточиться); disappear (impf of расточиться)
nautic. spill
obs. disappear; disperse; scatter
расточать: 35 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1