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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
растерянный adj.stresses
gen. bewildered; clueless; mazed; mixed-up; perplexed; will; addled (markovka); adrift (cognachennessy); distracted; mixed up; disoriented (scherfas); baffled (Andrey Truhachev); puzzled (Andrey Truhachev); dazed (Andrey Truhachev); embarrassed (Andrey Truhachev); deranged (Andrey Truhachev); discomfited (Andrey Truhachev); discombobulated (Andrey Truhachev); lost (A.Rezvov); nonplussed (ЛВ); bemused (suburbian); confused; put off (She looked put off. fa158); nonplussed ([ˌnɒnˈplʌst] wordsbase)
Gruzovik dismayed
Игорь Миг disconcerted
amer. flummoxed (he became flummoxed and speechless Val_Ships); pixilated (confused Val_Ships)
inf. floopy (chronik); hung-up.on (alexs2011); hung-up about (alexs2011)
slang shook (mikhail_dutikov); foggy; in a fog; red faced; rhino
растеряться v
gen. be all abroad; be lost (of many things); lose courage; not to know if one is coming or going; not to know whether one is coming or going; lose head; not know if one is on one's head or heels (Anglophile); be all adrift (MargeWebley); go out of depth; have heart in mouth; feel abashed; choke up; get out of depth (Anglophile); be at loss; be beyond one's depth; be out of one's depth; become confused; get lost; lose one another; lose one's head; come in nowhere (Franka_LV); be bewildered; lose (all or a quantity of); come undone (ad_notam); be having it (Beforeyouaccuseme); be taken aback (OnyxLight); skip a beat (AnastasiaRI); blench (VLZ_58); fumble (A.Rezvov); take aback (she was taken aback by his remark – она опешила (растерялась) от его слов Taras); be at a loss; be out of bearing; bewilder one's self; get bewildered; lose one's self to get lost; become flustered; fuck up
Gruzovik lose one's head (pf of растериваться); get lost; go astray from (pf of растериваться); lose one another (pf of растериваться); become confused (pf of растериваться); be bewildered (pf of растериваться)
Игорь Миг be befuddled
amer. be nowhere; be in nowhere; flummox (same as "confuse" Val_Ships)
fig. lose one's bearings; be out of one's bearings (Bobrovska); lose one's foot hold
humor. go adrift (MichaelBurov); be adrift (MichaelBurov)
idiom. lose one's bearings (Баян)
inf. choke
Makarov. lose one's head; be out of bearing; be abashed; draw back; lose one's bearings; lose one's presence of mind (потерять самообладание); lose one's temper; stand abashed
slang choke choke in choke up; flap
sport., amer. be nowhere
USA flummox (Val_Ships)
растерять v
gen. fade away into nothing; lose (many things)
растерян adj.
gen. at a loss (Tanya Gesse)
: 75 phrases in 9 subjects
Obsolete / dated4
Uncommon / rare1