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chem. dry cleaning safety solvent (Stoddard solvent is commonly referred to as dry cleaning safety solvent, naphtha safety solvent, petroleum solvent, PD-680, varnoline, and spotting naphtha. It also goes by the registered trade names Texsolve S and Varsol 1. Stoddard solvent is used as a paint thinner, as a solvent in some types of photocopier toners, in some types of printing inks, in some adhesives, as a dry cleaning solvent, and as a general cleaner and degreaser. тж. см. Stoddard solvent 'More); mineral spirits ('More); petroleum solvent ('More); spotting naphtha ('More)
oil.lubr. Stoddard solvent (Its common names are often "safety solvent" and "mineral spirits." A Hun)
растворитель Стоддарда
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum1