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gen. scope of document (Maximoose)
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gen. examine a question (a subject, a plan, a proposal, a statement, claims, etc., и т.д.); deal; treat a question; approach a problem (NBagniouk); treat an issue (Leviathan); deal with a subject; tackle an issue (Ivan Pisarev)
Игорь Миг weigh
busin. deal with a problem; handle a problem
dipl. contemplate a problem; consider a problem
econ. examine a question; consider a question
formal address the matter (Why, exactly, the irrigation system consisted of various different shapes and animal depictions goes unanswered in the group's announcement, but hopefully this matter will be addressed when they detail their conclusions next month. – этот вопрос будет рассмотрен coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
law be seised of an issue (о суде); be seised of an issue (о суде)
Makarov. contemplate a question; deal with a question; argue a a question; look into a matter; regard an issue; solve a question; view an issue; tackle the issue; consider a matter; consider an issue
math. go into the matter
mil. review a problem
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gen. issue under consideration; matter at issue; matter in point; matter in question; matter under discussion; point at issue; problem at issue; question under consideration; subject at issue; subject under discussion; business in hand (The Finance Director and other executive directors may also attend meetings as appropriate to the business in hand but are not members of the Committee. The Committee's meetings will adapt according to the business in hand, so they could be held in one of several modes, eg. : Х Workshops with officers and/or ... The Committee normally meets four times a year, but the number of meetings may be increased or reduced in accordance with the volume of business in hand. Alexander Demidov); the issue (preparing a detailed analysis of the issue and we await their report with interest. | Martin (1990) provided a detailed analysis of the issue from several perspectives and concluded that there is overwhelming evidence of the validity of the ... Alexander Demidov); the point in question; point at hand (Today's point at hand: ... -- Вопрос, который мы обсуждаем / рассматриваем / разбираем / анализируем сегодня, это ... ART Vancouver)
econ. matter under consideration
formal case in question (proz.com owant)
libr. subject dealt with
Makarov. the question under discussion; the matter in question; the subject under present observation
mil. case in point; pending question; question under discussion
polit. open question (ssn)
progr. action item (вопрос, который должен быть решён руководителем проекта или назначенным лицом ssn)
torped. pending issue
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gen. deal with the business (на заседаниях и т.п. Alexander Demidov)
law transact business (на общем собрании акционеров: No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the Meeting proceeds to business. alex)
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: 115 phrases in 20 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Foreign policy2