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astronaut. printed out
IT printed out
SAP.tech. printed
gen. open
gen. come open; come unsealed; open; unseal
fig. inf. smear; vilify

adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
распечатанный adj.stresses
astronaut. printed out
IT printed out
SAP.tech. printed
распечатать v
gen. unfasten; print; tear open (письмо, пакет); break; print up (to set something in type and print it; to print something by any process. This looks okay to me. Let's print it up now. Print up the final version. Slakiss); uncap; unseal; break out; open (letters); print of (Teacher may want to print these articles off beforehand to hand out; If you print these articles off in the library, you will need to pay 5 cents per page Taras); print off (Teacher may want to print these articles off beforehand to hand out; If you print these articles off in the library, you will need to pay 5 cents per page Taras); break the seal on (упаковку, пачку: I broke the seal on a new pack of Landfall Lights and drew one to life. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik open letters (pf of распечатывать)
comp. print out
fig., inf. vilify
Gruzovik, fig. smear (pf of распечатывать); vilify (pf of распечатывать)
Gruzovik, inf. make public in newspapers (pf of распечатывать)
inf. make public (in newspapers)
Makarov. open up; tear something open (письмо, пакет; что-либо); type something out up (что-либо)
sl., teen. push into (кого-либо на покупку дорогой вещи, квартиры, машины: She pushed him into buying the mansion, despite the hefty price tag. Alex_Odeychuk)
распечататься v
gen. come unsealed; open (letters); unseal
Gruzovik come open (pf of распечатываться); come unsealed (pf of распечатываться)
fig., inf. smear; vilify
inf. make public (in newspapers)
распечатавший prtc.
SAP.tech. printing out
: 30 phrases in 15 subjects
Information technology2
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum1
Postal service1
Quality control and standards1
SAP tech.1