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 раскрыть преступление
fig. crack the case
| в меру
 в меру
gen. to in moderation; to the extent; in the measure of; in moderation; into the measure of
| доказательств
gen. evidence
| достаточных для
 достаточный для
gen. sufficient for
| производства ареста
 производство ареста
law effectuation of arrest
| преступника
gen. criminal

to phrases
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fig. crack the case (However, the perpetrator managed to evade the undercover cops, leading authorities to install cameras overlooking the location, which ultimately cracked the case. Upon viewing the footage following yet another incident, police were surprised to discover that the 'ne'er-do-well' behind the spree was just a neighborhood dog named Billy. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
law clear a crime; solve a case (о полиции); solve a crime
раскрыть преступление: 7 phrases in 4 subjects