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gen. propel; spun off; fetch about; build up
astronaut. run up
math. untie; disentangling; untwist; twist; disentangle
| ядро
chem. nuclei pi
| и
gen. and
| метнуть
gen. cast
| его
gen. his

verb | verb | to phrases
раскрутить vstresses
gen. propel (mascot); spun off (на что-нибудь Stas82); fetch about (чтобы метнуть дальше); build up (бизнес Tamerlane); undo; swirl (alemaster); spin (4uzhoj); wind off
Gruzovik untwine (pf of раскручивать); undo (pf of раскручивать)
Игорь Миг hype
astronaut. run up
Gruzovik, auto. develop full power in engines (pf of раскручивать)
Gruzovik, inf. rotate faster and faster (pf of раскручивать); spin faster and faster (pf of раскручивать); turn faster and faster (pf of раскручивать); whirl faster and faster (pf of раскручивать)
inf. rotate; spin; whirl (faster and faster); turn; drum up (Somehow, we need to drum up some new business. VLZ_58)
math. untie; disentangling; untwist; twist; disentangle; untwine
nautic. unwind
O&G un-torque (Yeldar Azanbayev); untorque (Yeldar Azanbayev)
obs. unwreath; unwreathe
slang roll (someone); напр., на выпивку; кого-либо fa158)
yacht. break out
раскрутиться v
gen. come untwisted; come unwound; uncoil; unwind; untwine; untwist; undo; come unrolled (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik come untwisted
Игорь Миг kick into high gear; get the ball rolling (разг.)
Gruzovik, inf. start rotating faster and faster (pf of раскручиваться); start spinning faster and faster (pf of раскручиваться)
inf. gather speed; rotate; spin; start spinning (faster and faster); turn; whirl (faster and faster); get going (VLZ_58); get things rolling (VLZ_58); gain momentum (VLZ_58)
sl., teen. make one's way in the world (epoost)
раскрутить кого-либо v
inf. upsell s.o. (Уговорить покупателя купить более дорогой товар или большее количество товара, чем покупатель изначально планировал. Ср. с 'cross-sell'.: An e-commerce technique that attempts to sway a customer to purchase a more expensive model/version or additional merchandise that may be used with the product. Widely employed, upselling is very enticing because buyers are already in the mode of purchasing something they want. It is also very profitable. ("Cross-selling" is similar but persuades the user to buy a related product; for example, "If you like X, you may like Y" or "Users who bought X also bought Y.") thefreedictionary.com Alexander Oshis); cross-sell s.o. (Уговорить покупателя купить товар(ы) в дополнение к тому, что клиент изначально собирался купить.: "Cross-selling" is similar to "upselling" but persuades the customer to buy a related product; for example, "If you like X, you may like Y" or "Users who bought X also bought Y." Alexander Oshis)
раскрутившийся prtc.
Makarov. out of winding
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects