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gen. cleave with a wedge; wedge open
tech. fasten with wedges
| железо
chem. ferrum
| рейками
gambl. rake

verb | verb | to phrases
расклинивать vstresses
gen. cleave with a wedge; to unwedge; wedge open; wedge
Gruzovik cleave with a wedge (impf of расклинить); wedge open (impf of расклинить); split (impf of расклинить); unwedge (impf of расклинить)
auto. wedge out
cem. interlock
construct. shim; pin up; clink
forestr. wedge apart
Makarov. wedge asunder
mech.eng. key-operated brake
mil., tech. block (крепь)
mining. wedge against; block up (врубовую щель); choke
oil propping
tech. fasten with wedges; loosen; unkey; ease wedges; expand (greyhead)
расклиниваться v
gen. cleave; cleave with a wedge; loosen; to unwedge; wedge open; unkey
Gruzovik split (impf of расклиниться); cleave (impf of расклиниться)
расклинивать: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil and gas1