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ранняя пташка носок прочищает, поздняя глаза протираетstresses
proverb Early start makes easy stages; Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark!; Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise; the early bird cleans its beak while the late one's half asleep; he that will thrive, must rise at five; the early bird catches the worm (Used to mean: when a lazy person is just getting up in the morning, the industrious one has already done plenty of work (and has earned one's meal)); the early bird gets the worm (Used to mean: when a lazy person is just getting up in the morning, the industrious one has already done plentv of work (and has earned one's meal))
ранняя пташка носок прочищает, поздняя глаза протирает
: 8 phrases in 1 subject