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inf. bring home the message
gen. become clear; elucidate; explain; interpret
inf. clear up
Makarov. inf. come out in the wash
math. be cleared up
obs. brighten up; cheer up
| вопрос
gen. question

verb | verb | to phrases
разъяснять vstresses
gen. enucleate; explain away; illustrate; give light to; liquidate; solve; unravel; elucidate; elaborate; expound; illuminate; irradiate; make it plain; clarify; represent; communicate (Михаил зайчик); shed (что-либо); brief (~ sb on/about something The officer briefed her on what to expect. OALD); explain; articulate; advise (Заказчику разъясняется, что = Customer is advised that); give an explanation (Andrey Truhachev); make it clear (Johnny Bravo); translate (Ася Кудрявцева); hammer home (drive/hammer something home – to tell people about something in a way that makes them understand and accept it, especially by repeating it many times: The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework vogeler); raise awareness (Ася Кудрявцева)
Игорь Миг explain a bit about; hammer home
book. unconfuse (MichaelBurov)
busin. clarification; make smth clear; spell out (smth, что-л.); clear
cinema spell out
dipl. set forward
econ. lay out (идеи, принципы, планы A.Rezvov)
formal educate (Health authorities need to educate the public on the benefits of the vaccine. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, obs. brighten up (impf of разъясни́ть); clear up (impf of разъясни́ть); cheer up (impf of разъясни́ть)
inf. bring home the message (что-либо Andrey Truhachev); talk someone through something (как делать что-либо Pickman)
law give guidance (Court gives guidance on s175 procedure – суд разъяснил порядок применения статьи 175 dotsya)
Makarov. expound (теорию, точки зрения); illumine; make clear; throw light on; hammer home/; hammer in; hammer into; shed light on (что-либо)
notar. interpret
obs. eclaircise; lumine; serene; uncloud; brighten up; cheer up; clear up
poetic illume
rel., budd. discourse
relig. descant
разъясняться v
gen. become clear; elucidate; explain; interpret; lighten (о погоде)
Gruzovik become clear (impf of разъясни́ться)
Gruzovik, inf. clear up of the weather (= разъясниваться)
inf. clear up (of the weather)
Makarov., inf. come out in the wash
math. be cleared up
obs. brighten up; cheer up
telecom. clarify (oleg.vigodsky)
разъяснять кому-л. v
inf. bring (something) home (to Andrey Truhachev)
разъяснятькому-либо v
inf. bring something home to (someone Andrey Truhachev)
: 66 phrases in 15 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Mass media10
Obsolete / dated2