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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
разряжен adj.stresses
gen. out of battery (об устройстве) : ("He had not packed a recharging lead for his mobile, which was out of battery"-J.K. Rowling, Lethal White Maya M); out of battery (об устройстве; "He had not packed a recharging lead for his mobile, which was out of battery" – J.K. Rowling, Lethal White Maya M)
разрядить v
gen. unload (a weapon); fire off (орудие); rig (о женщинах); shoot; uncock; use up; run down (a battery); reduce; disengage; defuse (взрывоопасную обстановку); ease (напр., ситуацию scherfas); let off (ружьё); diffuse (обстановку driven); discharge (a weapon); space; de-escalate (напр., обстановку driven)
Gruzovik bedizen (ornament or dress in a showy or gaudy manner); unprime (pf of разряжать)
Игорь Миг take the heat out of
el. discharge; starve (аккумулятор)
fig. ease (tension); defuse (a situation); relieve
Gruzovik, fig. relieve (pf of разряжать)
Gruzovik, inf. deck out (pf of разряжать); dress up (pf of разряжать)
Gruzovik, mil. unload weapons (pf of разряжать); clear weapons (pf of разряжать)
Gruzovik, polygr. space out (pf of разряжать)
Gruzovik, weap. discharge a weapon (pf of разряжать)
inf. get up (informal) to dress oneself) in a particular way, esp showily or elaborately Andrey Truhachev); deck out; dress up
Makarov. let off
math. relax
media. run down (the battery, батарею)
mil. defuze (обстановку)
polygr. space out
railw. uncharge
slang let off (заряд: Bill accidentally let off In's rifle made a big hole in the front wall. == Нечаянно Билл разрядил своё ружье в стену напротив, сделав при этом в ней большую дыру.)
tech. de-energize
разрядиться v
gen. explode; prank; blow off; deintesify (alindra); dress up; unload (a weapon); run out of power (о батарее: My phone is running out of power; I'm running out of power Bullfinch); run out of charge (о заряде аккумулятора телефона; If you had read any of my jillions of text messages, you would know that my phone ran out of charge so I borrowed his Johnny Bravo); die (о телефоне: "Gray reportedly claimed that he overslept after his cell phone died and the alarm didn't go off." That could mean two things: The cell phone malfunctioned and needed to be repaired or replaced, or the cell phone's battery went dead. Although either interpretation is valid, I'd bet on the latter scenario; it's the far more common occurrence. Дмитрий_Р); be low (battery is low – батарея разряжена, low battery – низкий уровень заряда батареи и т.п. msterlingprice); run out of battery (об электронике: Research found six in 10 people run out of battery before the end of the day. • My iPhone ran out of battery last night, and now it won't turn on. • Ran out of battery in your laptop again? 4uzhoj); run out of charge (If you had read any of my jillions of text messages, you would know that my phone ran out of charge so I borrowed his Johnny Bravo); run down (of a battery)
Gruzovik run down (pf of разряжаться)
el. discharge (a weapon)
fig. blow off steam; become less tense; ease; relieve; blow over; clear; relax; unwind (в знач. "снять напряжение": A person who is simply "riding a bike" may come to look upon the action as "unwinding from a hard day"... Min$draV)
Gruzovik, fig. abate (pf of разряжаться); blow over (pf of разряжаться); clear (pf of разряжаться); ease (pf of разряжаться); become less tense (pf of разряжаться)
Gruzovik, inf. deck oneself out (pf of разряжаться); doll oneself up (pf of разряжаться); dress up (pf of разряжаться)
inf. deck out; doll oneself up; get oneself up (нарядиться во что-либо нарядное – to dress (oneself) in a particular way, esp showily or elaborately Andrey Truhachev); get dressed up; go dead (об аккумуляторе: Sorry, my battery went dead just at the moment I tried to message you. I had to recharge it. 'More)
Makarov., inf., engl. let off steam
polygr. space out
tech. de-energize
разряженный adj.
разреженный (о воздухе и т. д.)
gen. fussed; as gaudy as a peacock; dolled up; dolled
auto. discharged
cinema flat (об аккумуляторе)
cloth. dressed up
construct. airfree
inf. gaudy; decked out; flat (Can I use your mobile? My bettery is flat – Можно воспользоваться твоим телефоном? У меня разрядилась батарея. VictorMarushchak)
Makarov. as gaudy as a peacock
relig. bedight
разряжено adv.
mob.com. low battery (надпись)
Разрядить v
gen. decock (пистолет, ружьё Akvinikym)
разряжённый adj.
auto. discharged (напр., аккумулятор)
разря́женный adj.
Gruzovik, inf. decked out
: 140 phrases in 35 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Armored vehicles3
Electrical engineering3
Foreign policy1
Information technology1
Mass media1
Mobile and cellular communications2
Obsolete / dated1
Rail transport1
Solar power1
Weapons and gunsmithing4
Weapons of mass destruction2