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разрушать надеждуstresses
Makarov. destroy hope; extinguish the prospect; hurt the prospect; snuff out of hope
media. dash hope (bigmaxus); derail hope (bigmaxus); frustrate hope (bigmaxus); ruin hope (bigmaxus); shatter hope (bigmaxus)
разрушать надежды
gen. shatter; confound expectations (Азери)
austral., slang piss all over
Makarov. confound hopes
media. spoil aspirations (bigmaxus); wreck aspirations (bigmaxus)
разрушать чьи-либо надежды
Makarov. blight someone's hopes; disappoint someone's hopes
psychiat. destroy someone's hopes
psychol. destroy someone's hopes
разрушать чьи-л. надежды
gen. destroy smb.'s hopes (smb.'s illusions, smb.'s dreams, etc., и т.д.)